- HT48c10控制TDA7313N(音效处理芯片)程序 #if 0 //ht48c10控制TDA7313N(音效处理芯片),音源从L3输入,再从OUT LF脚输出 //SDA=PA1--PA7 , SCL=PA0--PA6 ... -HT48c10 control TDA7313N (audio processing chip) procedure # if 0 / / ht4 8c10 control TDA7313N (audio processing chip), the
- 簡介 PT2323 是特別為6CH 家庭劇院音響系統所設計的音響用輸入選擇器,並且內建2CH~6CH 轉換 器,可以直接將傳統立體聲2CH 信號轉換成為模擬6CH 信號,使用I2C 控制介面。單電源9V 供 應電壓,低成本及極佳的性能表現(THD<0.005 Typ),適合任何高性能的6CH 音響系統之應用。 特色 l 供應電源:9V l 提供4 組立體聲及一組6CH 輸入端 l 內建2CH~6CH 轉換器和副低頻低通濾波器 l 最大輸入電壓可達3.75Vr
- audio Frequency noise Generator
- Digital_Signal_Processing_Fundamentals_and_Applications This book introduces concepts of digital signal processing (DSP) and reviews an overall picture of its applications. Illustrative application examples include digital noise filtering, signal f
- Pulse-code modulation (PCM) is a method used to digitally represent sampled analog signals. It is the standard form of digital audio in computers, Compact Discs, digital telephony and other digital audio applications. In a PCM stream, the amplitude o
- 基于MATLAB的音效处理器 非常全面 对于初学者很有帮助 对声音音频进行变身 录播 加噪等一系列的处理 -Very helpful for beginners comprehensive series of sound audio processing, such as adding noise turned taped audio processor based on MATLAB
- Only coding parameters of sound generation model • LPC is an example where parameters are a1, a2, …ak , e(n) • Music instrument parameters: pitch, loudness, timbre, …Frequency Masking: If a tone of a certain frequency and amplitude is
- 高精度、低功耗模数转换器是当今集成电路设计模拟领域的研究热点之一,采用sigma-delta调制原理和过釆样原理的模数转换器广泛使用在音频、数字网络、电子测量等系统中。此类模数转换器,为降低信号带内的量化噪声功率,而釆用噪声整形技术,为提高模数转换器的信噪比,使用过采样技术,将基带中的量化噪声调制到了高频区域,这样就增加了基带中的信噪比,也就是增加了转换器的有效量化位数,由于采用较高的过采样率,Sigma-Delta ADC的转换速率相对较低,高精度和较低转换速率的特点,使得Sigma-Delt
- addition of white noise with a specified SNR to any audio file.
- 包括压缩比、运行时间和计算复原图像的峰值信噪比,实现了对10个数字音的识别程序基于人工神经网络的常用数字信号调制。- Including compression ratio, image restoration computing uptime and peak signal to noise ratio, Realization of 10 digital audio recognition program The commonly used digital signal modulation