关于SVM支持向量机的算法,对于研究手势识别和人脸识别有很*价值。-About SVM support vector machine algorithms, gesture recognition and face recognition for the study of great reference value.
TI官方视觉分析开发库接口说明文件,很难得到,详细讲述了各种算法(跟踪、脸部识别等所需要的算法核心)。-TI visual analysis of official documentation library interface development is difficult to obtain, describe in detail the various algorithms (tracking, face recognition algorithms need the core.)
本程序主要介绍了当前比较流行的人脸识别的算法,此算法可以给大家很好的学习经验。-This procedure introduces the more popular of the current face recognition algorithms, this algorithm can give you a very good learning experience.
a real-time 3D pointing gesture
recognition algorithm for natural human-robot interaction
(HRI). The recognition errors in previous pointing gesture
recognition algorithms are mainly caused by the low performance
of the hands tracking module
Face Recognition Algorithms with 3DAlgorithms
主要用于解决模式识别中稀疏表示人脸识别核心问题L1范数源代码,程序采用同伦算法设计的,在目前稀疏表示多种算法中,同伦算法是性能公认最好的.-Mainly used to solve the sparse representation of face recognition pattern recognition in the core of L1 norm source code, the program designed using the homotopy algorithm, sparse
The 3-D Morphable Model was
introduced as a generative model to p redictthe appearances o f
an individual while using a statistical prior on shape and
texture allowin g its parameters to be estimated from single
image. Based on these new unde
基于opencv的人脸识别分类器算法与具体实现代码。-Implementation code based opencv face recognition algorithms and specific classification.
利用贝叶斯原理估计混合logit模型的参数,人脸识别中的光照处理方法,大学数值分析算法。- Bayesian parameter estimation principle mixed logit model, Face Recognition light treatment method, University of numerical analysis algorithms.
Gabor小波变换与PCA的人脸识别代码,大学数值分析算法,matlab小波分析程序。- Gabor wavelet transform and PCA face recognition code, University of numerical analysis algorithms, matlab wavelet analysis program.