- 本文采用模糊数学和优化理论建立起一套预测模型由计算机自动预测电力负荷从而保证了预测结果的正确性和可信度通过对深圳市远景年电量预测的实例表明该方法是可行而有效的 -this fuzzy optimization theory and mathematical model to establish a set automatically by a computer forecasting electricity load so guarantee the accuracy of the resu
- These set of programs are written to design a robust power system stabilizer for minimizing the effects of low frequency oscillations in electric power systems. A complete nonlinear model of the power system represented by a single machine connected
- 摘要:由于步进电动机调速系统具有非线性等特点,使得利用简单模糊控制与传统PID控制精度不高,因此文中提出利用模 糊PID控制器实现对步进电动机调速系统进行控制的方法,并设计了模糊PID控制器。文中首先建立了步进电动机的数学 模型,并根据数学模型推导了其传递函数 然后介绍了模糊PID控制器结构,以及模糊控制规则的生成方法,并且对该控制 方案进行数字仿真。仿真结果表明:该方法调节精度较高,动态响应快,无超调,有一定的可行性。 -Abstract: As the stepper mot
- 本文提出了传感器随机数学模型和模糊数学模型这两个新问题, 概述了各种建 模方法, 着重介绍用数值计算方法建立若干种传感器数学模型的实例。-This paper puts forward the sensor random mathematical model and the fuzzy mathematical model, the two new problems introduces various built Modulus method, introduced emphatica
- 在根据网络学习的特点、建立网络学习评价系统指标体系的基础上,提出利用模糊熵理论评价网络学习效果的模型。 该模型通过熵权法对各评价指标权重进行修正得到客观权重值,并与主观权重结合计算出综合权重,然后利用模糊理论进 行处理得到综合评价值,改善了传统评价方法主观因素影响过多的弊端,提高了评价结果的可信度,并实验验证了该方法 的可行性和正确性,确保了网络学习评价公平公正地进行。-In accordance with the characteristics of learning, netwo
- this paper reviews and compares theories of fuzzy sets and rough sét. Two approaches for the formulation of fuzzy sets are reviewed, one is base on many-valued logic and the other is based on model logic-this paper reviews and compares theories of fu
- Temperature and humidity control in greenhouses using the Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model pdf document
- 提出一种分区电网限流运行方式的综合决策方法,基于网络分析法建立分区电网限 流运行方式的评价模型,通过模糊综合评价从可行方案集中确定最佳限流运行方式。-Put forward a kind of partition grid current limiting operation mode of integrated decision method based on network analysis method, establish partitioned Network LimitedFlo
- 提出了一种新的基于T-S 模糊模型在线辨识的非线性系统的故障诊断与容错控制策略.-A novel fault detection and fault-tolerant control scheme based on online identification of T-S fuzzy model is proposed.
- 《智能预测控制及其MATLAB实现(第2版)》系统地论述了神经网络控制、模糊逻辑控制和模型预测控制的基本概念、工作原理、控制算法,以及利用MATLAB语言、MATLAB工具箱函数和Simulink对其实现的方法。该书取材先进实用,讲解深入浅出,各章均有相应的例题,并提供了大量用MATLAB/Simulink实现的仿真实例,便于读者掌握和巩固所学知识。-Intelligent predictive control and MATLAB (2nd edition) described the neu
- 本文介绍与运动模糊图象恢复有关的基础理论,如图像退化模型,点扩散函数, 恢复过程中的振铃效应,模糊参数获取,给出了图象质量评价的一些常用指标。 -This article describes the motion blur image restoration on the basis of the theory, such as image degradation model, the point spread function, the ringing effect in the re
- 一种用于交通信号灯的模糊控制器,文章主要介绍了控制信号灯的模糊控制器的输入输出模型,并且给出了控制效果验证-A fuzzy controller for traffic lights, the article introduces the fuzzy controller input-output model of the control lights, and gives the control effect of verification
- We develop a tracking controller for the dynamic model of unicycle mobile robot by integrating a kinematic controller and a torque controller based on fuzzy Logic Theory. Computer simulations are presented confirming the performance of the track
- This paper presents two kinds of adaptive control schemes for robot manipulator which has the parametric uncertainties. In order to compensate these uncertainties, we use the FLS (fuzzy logic system) that has the capability to approximate any nonline
- A position control of a class of servomotors is addressed in this paper via a novel adaptive fuzzy PI sliding mode control. The premise and the consequence parts of the fuzzy rules are tuned with adaptive schemes. To attenuate chattering effectively,
- Green logistic vehicle routing problem: Routing light delivery vehicles in urban areas using a neuro-fuzzy model
- 交流位置伺服系统因其存在参数时变、负载扰动以及电机的非线性等缺点, 很难为其建立准确的模型. 模糊( fuzzy)控制具有无需建立被控对象的数学模型、鲁棒性好等 优点,但稳态精度差. 将模糊控制和PID 控制相结合,设计了fuzzy-PID 双模控制器. 在论域内 用不同的控制方式分段实现控制,这样就综合了模糊控制和PID 控制的优点,克服了各自的缺 点. 该控制器结构简单、易于实现. 在半闭环交流位置伺服系统上所做的实验表明,采用fuzzy- PID 双模控制器与采用经典P
- full developed model of statcom with fuzzy-full developed model of statcom with fuzzy....
- OSPF routing protocol design and implementation of fuzzy model. (Persian Article)
- 模糊控制器的设计,由于一些系统的复杂性,难以建立准确的系统模型,利用模糊控制器可以很好的解决这类系统的控制问题。-fuzzy controller design, the complexity of some systems, it is difficult to establish an accurate model of the system, by using fuzzy controller can solve the problem of the control of such sys