- 一种图像检索中纹理特征提取的方法。本文介绍了基于Gabor 滤波器和Gabor 小波变换提取纹理特征的分析方法, 以及对Gabor 小波进行了高斯归一化以提高对图像检索的速度和准确度。-An image retrieval texture feature extraction methods. This article based on Gabor filters and Gabor wavelet transform to extract texture feature analysis me
- GMSK是高斯滤波的最小频移键控的简称,基本的工作原理是将基带信号先经过高斯滤波器成形,再进行最小频移键控(MSK)调制。由于成形后的高斯脉冲包络无陡峭边沿,亦无拐点,因此频谱特性优于MSK信号的频谱特性。-GMSK Gaussian filter is the smallest FSK abbreviation, the basic working principle is to base-band signal to pass Gaussian filter shape, and then
- 一个自动添加高斯噪声 对比图像处理后psnr的程序 参数可自己修改-We want to test PSNR with variable gaussian blur. Then the different values of PSNR under different parameteres would be compared in order to find the relationship between PSNR and the gaussian blur.
- 基于生物免疫系统的自适应学习、免疫记忆、抗体多样性及动态平衡维持等功能,提出一种动态多目标免疫 优化算法处理动态多目标优化问题.算法设计中,依据自适应ζ邻域及抗体所处位置设计抗体的亲和力,基于Pa- reto控制的概念,利用分层选择确定参与进化的抗体,经由克隆扩张及自适应高斯变异,提高群体的平均亲和力,利 用免疫记忆、动态维持和Average linkage聚类方法,设计环境识别规则和记忆池,借助3种不同类型的动态多目标 测试问题,通过与出众的动态环境优化算法比较,数值实验表明所
- White noise is a random signal (or process) with a flat power spectral density. In other words, the signal contains equal power within a fixed bandwidth at any center frequency. White noise draws its name from white light in which the power spectral
- edge detector: gaussian mask convolved with an image and then edge detection is carried out.
- 文章展示了基于高斯混合模型的语音频谱预测方法。频谱预测可能在传包过程中预防丢包这方面起到大作用。期望最大化算法用两倍或三倍的连续语音因素来测试模型。模型被用来设计第一,儿等指令预测量。预测表用频谱分配状态来估计并和一个简单的参考模型对比。最好的预测表得到一个平均频率扭曲值是0.46dB小于参考模型-This paper presents methods for speech spectrum prediction based on Gaussian mixture models. Spec
- SUMMARY: The Algorithms such as SVD, Eigen decomposition, Gaussian Mixture Model, HMM etc. are scattered in different fields. There is the need to collect all such algorithms for quick reference. Also there is the need to view such algorithms in ap
- determinan inverse with gaussian method - Matlab code-determinan inverse with gaussian method - Matlab code
- 本文给出了一些matlab生成高斯函数的源程序-gaussian function in matlab
- this gives details about gaussian lpf design in matlab
- 主要讨论获得图片后如何提取其边界信息,首先利用图像灰度均匀化解决了对比度不清晰的问题,然后利用高斯滤波法对图片进行滤波去噪,进而利用Canny算法实现边缘检测提取边界,该方法与Matlab自带的求边界方法有明显的提高,为利用Matlab程序求图像分形维数提供了更精确的前提. 更多还原 -Mainly discuss how to get the picture after extracting its boundary information, the first use of the im
- 高斯脉冲在光纤中的演变,用MATLAB程序实现-gaussian pulse evolution
- 列主元高斯消去法和列主元三角分解法解线性方程 matlab代写代做编程调试修改QQ1747812398-Out PCA Gaussian elimination and main-element triangular decomposition method for solving linear equations matlab write on behalf of doing programming and debugging modify QQ1747812398
- Matlab implementation of the moment matching and maximum likelihood estimators for the generalized Gaussian density.
- MATLAB编程实现高斯消去法,实现从前往后消以及从后往前消的功能-MATLAB programming Gaussian elimination method to achieve elimination from front to back and forward from the elimination of functional
- Numerical analysis did not pretreated Gauss method, the SSOR pre-Gaussian method, the pre-Gaussian polynomial method matlab program: CG
- Introduction This section builds an example step-by-step to give you a first look at the Communications System Toolbox™ software. This section also shows how Communications System Toolbox functionalities build upon the computational and visual
- Introduction This section builds an example step-by-step to give you a first look at the Communications System Toolbox™ software. This section also shows how Communications System Toolbox functionalities build upon the computational and visual
- MATLAB ideal low pass filter: MATLAB Butterworth low pass filter: Gaussian low pass filters Gaussian high pass filters Ideal high pass filters