- Linux电子书,书名为‘Introduction to Linux : A Hands on Guide’,本指南是为新手所创建,概述Linux操作系统之入门指南,每一章结束皆有演习,对于高级的学员可作为桌面参考,本指南并收集所需要的基础知识以进行系统和网络管理。 -This guide was created as an overview of the Linux Operating System, geared toward new users as an exploration to
- This is a good tutorial to learn C language and linux system program in linux environment from the very base up and learn very fast Austria
- 基于Linux的安全高效的流媒体服 务器集群系统模型 -A safe, effectivemodelof stream media cluster server runningwasproposeed on Linux. Ituses some methodsof identity verification to ensure the validation ofvisitors and assigns corresponding runtime resources ac- cor