- Based on the principle of OFDM system, the paper mainly includes the following aspects: the development of mobile communications, the characteristics of the radio channel, OFDM system theory, the advantages and disadvantages, key technologies, and ad
- 首先根据短训练字的特性进行相关运算,进行信号到达检测,当检测到相关值大于门限一定次数后,认为有信号到达。然后根据长训练字的特性,进行相关运算,进行OFDM符号FFT窗口起始位置的估计。估计出FFT窗口的位置后,先在时域进行小频偏的估计,将两个长训练字进行小频偏补偿后,进行FFT运算,根据FFT运算的结果进行整数倍频偏的估计。这些参数估计完成后,就可以进行数据解调了。先对数据部分进行完整的频偏补偿,然后根据估计的FFT窗口位置进行FFT运算得到频域的数据,进行解调。然后在对应于导频的子载波位置上提
- 基于IEEE802.11n MIMO-OFDM的时域同步和频域同步,经典算法和改进算法的对比,并且中英文均包含-Time domain based on IEEE802.11 n MIMO- OFDM synchronization and frequency synchronization, classic algorithms and the comparison of improved algorithm, and are included in both English and Chin
- 文章介绍了自适应均衡技术在MIMO OFDM系统中的应用研究。-In this paper, an adaptive channel estimation for MIMO OFDM is proposed. A set of pilot tones first are placed in each OFDM block, then the channel frequency response of these pilot tones are adaptively estimat
- 搭建OFDM通信系统的框架,用于建立主成分分析模型,主同步信号PSS在时域上的相关仿真。- Build a framework OFDM communication system, Principal component analysis model for establishing, PSS primary synchronization signal in the time domain simulation related.