- 单列多服务台排队系统需求分析 用户在系统主界面输入服务台数、顾客总数、仿真时间、等初始数据,经过后台系统处理相关数据并进行分析计算,得出顾客排队的最大队长、平均队长、系统中平均实体数、顾客平均等待时间、顾客最大等待时间、服务台的空期和忙期各占百分比以及每个顾客在系统中花费的时间等等。-Single multi-server queuing system requirements analysis the main user interface to enter in the system h
- simulation of red in ns2
- simulation scr ipt for droptail queue in ns2
- queue simulation for matlab
- 机场航空管制模拟 使用队列或优先队列实现;要求可以变换起飞和着陆频率来模拟一天中的飞行高峰期和空闲期;要求可以改变着陆和起飞时间以模拟不同的效果。-Airport air traffic control simulation using a queue or priority queue implementation requirements can transform takeoff and landing frequency to simulate flying day peak peri
- 银行业务模拟问题描述:客户业务分为两种:第一种是申请从银行得到一笔资金,即取款或借款。第二种是向银行投入一笔资金,即存款或还款。银行有两个服务窗口,相应的有两个队列。客户到达银行后先排第一个队。处理每个客户业务时,如果属于第一种,且申请额超出银行现存资金总额而得不到满足,则立即排入第二队等候,直至满足时才离开银行,否则业务处理完后立即离开银行。每接待完一个第二种业务的客户,则顺序检查和处理(如果可能)第二个队列的客户,对能满足的申请者予以满足,不能满足者重新排到第二个队列的队尾。通过模拟方法求出
- NS (Version 2) is an open source network simulation tool. It is an object oriented, discrete event driven simulator written in C++ and Otcl. The primary use of NS is in network researches to simulate various types of wired/wireless local and wide are
- Tcl scr ipt for ns which simulates a simple topology learn how to set up nodes and links, how to send data from one node to another, how to monitor a queue and how to start nam from your simulation scr ipt to visualize your simulation.
- queue using c.we can simulation a queue using c programming.
- SIMULATION OF NETWORK TOPOLOGY USING NS2 Consider the network where T1-T6 are transmitters and R1-R6 are receivers. R1 receives from T1, R2 receives from T2 and so on. B1,B2 and B3 act as bottleneck nodes and also provide for routing of packets
- Many applications require that we process records with keys in order, but not necessarily in full sorted order. Often we collect a set of items and process the one with the current minimum value. e.g. jobs sent to a printer, Operating system j
- A queue is a list from which items are deleted from one end (front) and into which items are inserted at the other end (rear, or back) It is like line of people waiting to purchase tickets: Queue is referred to as a first-in-first-out (FIFO) data