神经网络辨识不受非线性模型的限制,它依据被辨识系统的输入输出数据对,通过学习得到一个描述系统输入输出关系的非线性映射。给定一个输入,即可得到一个输出,而不需要知道输入输出之间存在着怎样的数学关系。这种自学习特点使得神经网络在解决复杂非线性问题方面具有其独特的优势。-Neural network identification of nonlinear model without restrictions, it was recognition system based on the input a
this file is a source code for character recognition with Hebb rule( Neural network)-this file is a source code for character recognition with Hebb rule( Neural network)
This paper is based on artificial neural network. artifivial neural network is a patter recognition mechanism that resembles the human brain.
It have input layers, hidden layers and output layers. ANN provides beter recognition accuracy than other
The primary goal of pattern recognition is supervised or unsupervised classification. Among the various frameworks in
which pattern recognition has been traditionally formulated, the statistical approach has been most intensively studied and used i
In this tutorial we present a brief introduction to SVM, and we discuss about SVM published papers, workshop materials & material collected books and material available online on the World Wide Web. In the beginning we try to define SVM and try to ta