- XFS3031CN中文语音合成芯片数据手册,通过UART接口接收待合成的文本,把文本合成语音输出。-XFS3031CN Chinese speech synthesis chip data sheet, to be synthesized through the UART interface to receive the text, the text of synthesized speech output.
- This program shows how to use an external UART on the PIC. It will identify ports 0 and 1 on startup then transfer data from port 0 to 1 and from 1 to 0. This example will work with the PCB, PCM and PCH compilers.-This program shows how to use an ext
- pic单片机控制通信模块TC35打电话的程序,请自己输入电话号码-pic controls TC35 to call through uart
- FTDI’s “D2XX Direct Drivers” for Windows offer an alternative solution to our VCP drivers which allows application software to interface with FT232 USB UART and FT245 USB FIFO devices using a DLL instead of a Virtual Com Port. The architecture of the
- 1.1.JQM301-48L 语音芯片概述 JQM301-48L 是一款OTP 高音质的MP3 语音芯片,拥有8-BIT CISC,支持WAV 和MP3 解码;带有丰富 的外设接口:一个SPI,一个标准的UART 异步串口;音频输出可直接驱动16 欧姆耳机;带实时时钟及万年历 时钟模块功能;低功耗:休眠时待机电流约80uA;控制播放响应快速,优于同类产品;适合用于需要更换语音 或者音乐文件时间较长、音质要求较高的场合。-1.1.JQM301-48L voice chip Over
- Simple WiFi无线透传模块是一款高性能、高性价比的单面邮票孔式嵌入式WiFi模块产品。SimpleWiFi最大的特点是配置简单、启动速度快,最快启动速度小于1秒。Simple WiFi是基于Uart与Spi接口的符合WiFi无线网络标准的嵌入式模块,内置无线网络协议IEEE802.11协议栈以及TCP/IP协议栈,能够实现 用户嵌入式设备数据到无线网络之间的转换。通过Simple WiFi模块,传统的嵌入式设备也能轻松接入无线WiFi网络。 - SimpleWiFi is a
- Basic breakout board for FTDI s popular USB to UART IC