- 教会人们怎样写出高水平的论文(全英文),对于在校硕士与博士来说是难得的好资料。-church people how to write high quality paper (English only) For the university, and Dr. rare example of good information.
- 中科院博士学位论文——路面车辆运动语义理解
- 韩国Yunjin Lee的博士论文,包含了她读博期间的主要研究成果,包括Mesh Scissoring: Contour-Based Segmentation,Mesh Parameterization Using Virtual Boundaries,Geometric Snakes for 3D Meshes,Mean Shift for 3D Meshes-Yunjin Lee Korean doctoral dissertation, including during her读博the
- 感应电机混沌分析与控制,仅有的博士论文,写的很详细,值得大家学习研究-Chaos analysis and control of induction motor, the only doctoral dissertation
- 博士论文总结,关于无线传输中的视频质量评价及控制研究,对研究无线传输视频的学者很有启发意义-Summary of the doctoral thesis, on the wireless transmission of video quality evaluation and control research scholars to study wireless transmission of video, very enlightening significance. . .
- 无线传感器网络的节点定位技术研究 2013年博士论文 具有一定的价值 与君共勉-Research on wireless sensor network node positioning technology doctoral dissertation of 2013 has a certain value and the king of mutual encouragement
- M2M中继协同信道建模研究国外博士论文,对有志于中继信道建模研究的相关工程技术人员而言,非常有参考价值。-M2M relay cooperative channel modeling research abroad doctoral thesis, for the relay channel modeling and research for the relevant engineering and technical personnel, very valuable.
- 该文档描述了椭圆密码体制中实现双线性映射的方法,写的很好的博士论文。-This document describes the ellipse password system realization method of the bilinear mapping, write a good dissertation.
- 该文档系统介绍了OFDM-PON的上下射频方式,是一篇完整的外文英文博士论文-This document describes the system up and down the RF OFDM-PON way, is a complete English English doctoral thesis
- 本文档是Karl Skretting的博士论文,主要研究dictionary learning,以及重叠帧里稀疏信号的呈现。-This document is Karl Skretting s PhD thesis, which focuses on dictionary learning and the presentation of sparse signals in overlapping frames.