Radio Frequency
- 探索一种解决RFID系统中碰撞问题的方法,具体讨论防碰撞算法中的二进制搜索算法及其改进方法——动态二进制搜索算法。-explore a solution RFID system collision problem. discuss specific anti-collision algorithm of the binary search algorithm and improved method -- Dynamic binary search algorithm.
- This paper addresses a stochastic-#ow network in which each arc or node has several capacities and may fail. Given the demand d, we try to evaluate the system reliability that the maximum #ow of the network is not less than d. A simple algorithm
- This paper addresses a stochastic-#ow network in which each arc or node has several capacities and may fail. Given the demand d, we try to evaluate the system reliability that the maximum #ow of the network is not less than d. A simple algorithm
- This paper addresses a stochastic-#ow network in which each arc or node has several capacities and may fail. Given the demand d, we try to evaluate the system reliability that the maximum #ow of the network is not less than d. A simple algorithm
- This paper addresses a stochastic-#ow network in which each arc or node has several capacities and may fail. Given the demand d, we try to evaluate the system reliability that the maximum #ow of the network is not less than d. A simple algorithm
- phpMyAdmin图形界面化操作,我已经配置好了,只要把解要压缩后的文件放到站点下就可以用了-phpMyAdmin graphical interface of the operation, I have configured, as long as the solution to the compressed file on the site can be used under
- 对逆问题的研究,在生物成像中的应用,建模及解的方法-the inverse problem in biomedical imaging modeling and methods of solution
- 电脑维修实例大全,对电脑出现的各种问题都有一个系统的解决方案。-Examples of Encyclopedia of computer maintenance, computer problems arise there is a system solution.
- 这是一个有关关于ASP建站实用手册!里面包含Javascr ipt中一些问题的解决方法!-This is a practical manual on the ASP建站! Which contains a number of Javascr ipt in the solution to the problem!
- 一卡通的吃东西有关一卡通的说明性文章,对一卡通的了解。里面讲述了一个技术方案-Card' s eating a descr iptive card related articles on the card understanding. Inside the story of a technical solution
- 本文介绍如何用Pascal编程趣解蜗牛爬墙的问题-This article describes how to use Pascal programming solution of a snail climbing walls interesting question of
- 这是电脑应用与搭建网络服务器技术资料大全,主要包括资料内容:1.错误数值叙述 2.打开文件夹出现错误解决办法 3.关于Windows 2003配置信息 4.解决Windows 2003登陆前需要按Ctrl+Alt+Del 5.解决Windows Server 2003的关机提示 6.解决打开方式拒绝访问 7.解决系统自动登陆 8.运行命令重启IIS等-This is a computer application and set up the network server technology S
- 双绞线视频传输器(双绞线视频收发器)是利用五类网络线缆代替同轴电缆,不仅解决了安防和视频广告工程中普通视频电缆存在的远距离传输信号严重失真和在复杂工业环境下的电磁视频干扰问题,而且大大节约了线路建设成本,施工和维护也变得十分简便,成为视频监控工程在解决1-3公里中长距离传输问题上的一种最为经济实用的办法。-Twisted pair video transmitter ( UTP Video Transceiver ) is the use of five kinds of network cab
- 这是本人大学期间学习计算机及开发过程中遇到的一些问题的解决方案,当时做了一些笔记,现在上传上来。里面有java,php,mysql,linux和window个人设置方面的内容,有需要的下载吧-This is the solution of some of the problems encountered in the study of computers and the development process during my University, then made some notes,
- paper about solution of equation
- Sensorless FOC of PMSM This document presents a solution to control a permanent magnet synchronous motor using the TMS320F2803x. This new family of DSPs enables cost-effective design of intelligent controllers for brushless motors which can fulfill
- 电脑主板故障维修思路与技巧,希望对广大电脑用户用帮助-Computer Motherboard Troubleshooting ideas and skills, we want to help the majority of computer users to use
- 由于K-means 聚类方法对遥感图像进行分类时,对训练样本的选取依赖性很大,容易陷入局部最优的陷阱的情况,本文提出利用模拟退化算法对K-means 的聚类进行优化以获得 全局最优解的分类新方案。并以多波段影像为例进行验证分析,结果表明该方法可行,收敛 结果优于K-means 聚类算法,分类精度相对传统的K-means 算法更高。-Because K-means clustering classification depend on the training sample selecti
- Lift force on airfoil is minimum at the center and it increases sideways, this also follows from concept of
- 有关缓冲溶液的几种 Several of the buffer solution-Several of the buffer solution