- 我写的《研发部部门考核制度》,欢迎大家共同探讨考核特别是绩效考核制度方面的内容- I write "Research and development Department Department System of examining and assessment", welcome everybody to discuss the inspection specially is together the achievements system of examining and assess
- 关于中文中词语搭配的三篇论文,利用语义间的信息消解分词中的歧义问题,希望能给研究分词消歧的人一些帮助,谢谢!-English in about three words with the thesis, the use of semantic information between the digestion of segmentation ambiguity problem, hope that I can study the word of people Disambiguation some
- 4个word 文档,超级详细的讲述了怎样在windows上的redhat虚拟机上安装oracle,文档中所用到的资源网上可以找的到,本人原创!-Four word doc, super detailed tells the story of how the virtual machine redhat Windows install oracle, document for online resources can be found, I original!!!!!
- linux ssh配置,vsftp下载,网络配置,配置Apache Mysql 和php的组合,tomcat配置,Ftp,phpMyAdmin配置,pppoe配置VNC桌面配置,这里全是我整理的文本和word文件,里面有我自己写的,全部是我亲自试验成功的服务器配置-configure linux ssh, vsftp download, network configuration, configure Apache Mysql and PHP combination, tomcat config
- word 快捷键 WORD全套快捷键小技巧 CTRL+O 打开 CTRL+P 打印 CTRL+A 全选 CTRL+[/] 对文字进行大小设置(在选中目标情况下) CTRL+D 字体设置(在选中目标情况下) CTRL+G/H 查找/替换 CTRL+N 全文删除 CTRL+M 左边距(在选中目标情况下) CTRL+U 绘制下划线(在选中目标情况下) CTRL+B 加粗文字(在选中目标情况下) CTRL+I 倾斜文字(在选中目标情况下)
- 这是我们网络安全课程最后的总结性大作业,word形式的,希望对各位网友有用。-This is our final summary of network security course large operations, word forms, and I hope useful to you friends.