In This paper, the authors propose a Sensorless Direct Torque and Flux Control (DTFC) of
Induction Motor (IM) using two approach intelligent techniques: Mamdani Fuzzy Logic (FL)
controller is used for controlling the rotor speed and Artificial Ne
The fast control capability of the VSC-HVDC and
the process of area mode oscillations are analyzed. An auxiliary
fuzzy logic controller designed in Matlab for the Voltage Source
Converter based HVDC transmission system, VSC-HVDC, to
improve t
Optimal Fuzzy Logic-based Adaptive Controller
equipped with DFIG Wind Turbine for Frequency
Control in Stand Alone Power System-Optimal Fuzzy Logic-based Adaptive Controller
equipped with DFIG Wind Turbine for Frequency
Control in Stand Alo
A New Fuzzy Logic Approach For Control System WIND DFIG
Today, gas turbines are one of the major parts of
modern industry. They have played very imported in
aeronautical industry, power generation, and main mechanical
drivers for large pumps and compressors. This paper proposes to
examine the appl