- 介绍WSN中非常重要的一种协议LEACH以及它的演化版本LEACH-C,是该领域的奠基性文章。-WSN introduce a very important LEACH protocol, as well as its evolution version of LEACH-C, are the foundation of the field article.
- Abstract—LEACH is a hierarchy routing protocol for WSN (wireless sensor networks), which is superior to direct communication protocol, minimum-transmission-energy protocol and static clustering protocol. owever, LEACH itself has some defects. In this
- Abstract—the application of wireless sensor network (WSN) is always restricted by the energy shortage of sensor nodes. In order to reduce the entire energy consumption of the WSN, a promising approach is to design light clustering algorithms.LEACH is
- Genetic Algorithm based wsn LEACH Protocol.... Document Shows a Brief Comparison between Modifications in Traditional Protocol-Genetic Algorithm based wsn LEACH Protocol.... Document Shows a Brief Comparison between Modifications in Traditional P
- LEACH matlab code for WSN