- libSigComp project is a complete and compliant SigComp? Framework to speed-up SigComp integration in Open-Source IMS projects. libSigComp homepage: http://code.google.com/p/libsigcomp/
- All instructions are executed in one single instruction cycle, unless a conditional test is true or the program counter is changed as a result of an instruction. In these cases, the execution takes two instruction cycles with the second cycle exe
- Procedure calling conventions are used to provide uniform procedure- call interfaces. Applications, such as compilers and debuggers, which generate, or process procedures at the machinelanguage abstraction level require knowledge of the calling
- DXUT Full Source code. DXUT is a "glut"-like framework for Direct3D 11.x Win32 desktop applications primarily samples, demos, and prototypes.-DXUT Full Source code. DXUT is a "glut"-like framework for Direct3D 11.x Win32 desktop application