rtklib_2.4.1 卫星数据解算的程序
- rtklib 版本2.4.1 An Open Source Program Package for GNSS Positioning 日本开源网站上提供的关于卫星数据解算的程序。All of the executable binary APs for Windows are included in the package as well as whole source programs of the library and the APs. * For real-time PP
- Windows Develop Linux-Unix program Internet-Socket-Network Web Server-Windows Develop Linux-Unix program Internet-Socket-Network Web Server
- 本系统基于DMS电信服务需求为主要研究背景,采用C/S架构,和C++程序设计,系统服务器端采用Socket通信,和Unix多线程程序设计,完成并实现了以Unix作为后台服务器的电信服务管理系统。-The system based on the demand for telecommunications services in DMS as the main research background, the use of C/S architecture, and C++ programming,