- 目前的智能机在硬件上多采用双cpu的架构,一个是基带处理器,主要处理数字信号、语音信号的编码解码以及GSM通信协议,另一个是应用处理器,运行操作系统和各种应用程序。基带处理器、射频和其它外围芯片作为一个模块,成为GSM/GPRS modem,提供AT命令接口。网络的应用已经是一个需求的热点,而目前的GSM模块大多都能支持GPRS功能。应用处理器通过AT命令集与带GPRS功能的无线通讯模块通信,为实现网络的应用提供了一个最底层的支持。 -Intelligent machines in the
- This a simulator written in Tcl to simulate a network node carrying GSM and GPRS traffics with QoS mechanisms. The payload type including circuit-switched voice, VoIP and web traffic, and the performance including packet drop, delay can be analyzed.
- GPRS、WCDMA、CDMA2000都属于可漫游移动用户的承载网络,都是在移动用户和远端数据网之间提供数据连接。本文将对作为一种移动数据业务承载网并且基于GSM的GPRS技术从协议栈的角度进行深入剖析。-GPRS, WCDMA, CDMA2000 are mobile users can roam the bearer network and mobile users in the remote data network to provide data connectivity between
- 主要是西门子GPRS模块MC55的详细数据手册,包含详细的命令说明及例子-Siemens GPRS Module MC55 is mainly a detailed data sheet with detailed instructions and examples of the command
- GPRS与GSM/SMS通信方式的介绍,包括术语、通信方式的特点等,可供大家选择通信方案时参考-GPRS and GSM/SMS communication presentation, including the terminology, the characteristics of means of communication, means of communication available to us choose a reference
- GPRS在智能家居中的应用,大量说明文档及文章!-GPRS in smart home application, a lot of documentation and articles!
- this file is a tutorial for GPRS communication
- 本文档帮助客户更好的使用MD231的模块,从软件和硬件的角度介绍了MD231模块的使用指南,希望能让客户在最短的时间内用好MD231模块。 客户运用MD231有以下两类用法: 1, 把MD231当作标准的GSM/GPRS模块使用,客户通过Com口输入的AT命令使用模块,并从Com口得到模块的反馈信息,此类运用的客户需要外部MCU和Com相连。 2, 客户把MD231运用在无线商话/公话等类似的GSM终端产品上,本公司帮客户定制的软件运行在MD231上,驱动LCD,键盘等外部设备,此类
- GPRS通信技术实现了多方式遥控设防撤防,解决了主控制器操作 的实时记录问题,为事后分清责任提供了技术保障。现场调试结果表明,系统操作简便灵活,有效地实现了对室内环境信 息(如温度、湿度)的实时监控、险情检测(如火警、被盗、可燃气体泄漏及水泄漏)、多方式遥控设防撤防、远程监控和报警 以及操作数据实时记录等功能,提高了家庭安防报警的可靠性。 -GPRS communication technology to achieve a multi-way remote maximum se
- EDGE, the fastest transmission standard currently in use in GSM networks, is creating brand new opportunities for computing applications. The MC75 from Siemens enables you to make use of this speed in your own products, facilitating multimedia down
- GPRS是通用分组无线业务(General Packet Radio Service)的英文简称,是在现有的GSM系统上发展出来的一种新的分组数据承载业务。GPRS与现有的GSM语音系统最根本的区别是,GSM是一种电路交换系统,而GPRS是一种分组交换系统。因此,GPRS特别适用于间断的、突发性的或频繁的、少量的数据传输,也适用于偶尔的大数据量传输。这一特点正适合大多数移动互联的应用。 -GPRS is General Packet Radio Service (General Packet
- GSM/GPRS/EDGE Access Stratum (GAS). The protocol stack is based on a dual mode stack (2G and 3G) which easily can be configure single or dual mode during compile time, without any additional code overhead. The Non-Access Stratum (NAS) contains the
- This project send sms remotely is designed to send sms to a desired location without monitoring.An honeywell sensor was conect to a digital multi meter to collect the voltages given by the sensor the multimeter was conect to the computer with a rs232
- edge信令流程的标准协议,对EDGE系统讲解的教详细,可以作为参考-standard protocols edge signaling process, the EDGE system teach detailed explanation can be used as a reference
- The present document defines the Stage 2 service descr iption for the Evolved 3GPP Packet Switched Domain - also known as the Evolved Packet System (EPS) in this document. The Evolved 3GPP Packet Switched Domain provides IP connectivity using the Evo
- 一款基于GPRS的儿童定位手表的设计文章-GPRS-based positioning a child watches Design Articles
- 一款基于GPRS的定位系统车载终端的应用实现-GPRS-based applications a vehicle terminal positioning system implementations
- 针对下一代手机的单天线干扰消除技术_很实用-The next generation of mobile phones for a single antenna interference cancellation techniques _
- EDGE is essentially an upgrade for existing GPRS networks. But the key to its success will lie in its ability to affectively work with current GPRS systems in multimode system architectures. And, to make that happen, designers building merged EDG
- 成都移讯通科技 W560 DTU是一款基于WCDMA/GPRS 3G/2G网络自适应的无线数据传输终端设备, 提供全透明数据通道, 可以方便的实现远程、 无线、 网络化的通信方式, 让您的设备轻松实现与 Internet 的无线连接,具有体积小、稳定性高、抗干扰强、组网灵活、安装简单、维护成本低等特点。广泛应用于无线数传、工业控制、远程监控、集抄系统、无线电表、无线pos机、电力监控、物联网、智能网、智能家居等多种领域。-Chengdu XunTong technology W560 DTU i