- 根据普朗克公式、韦恩公式和瑞利-金斯公式描绘在室温下辐出度按波长的分布曲线 -According to Planck' s formula, formula and Rayleigh Wayne- Jin Sigong type described at room temperature according to the wavelength of the radiation out-degree distribution curve
- MPC8260-MCC-HOWTO Abstract: This document attempts to give the linux developer community of motorola(R) s mpc8260 processor a fairly good idea of programming details of Multi Channel controller. This document can be distributed under GPL ve
- 为虚拟管家系统设计一个麦克风阵列接口,该接口用于接收语音信号作为命令,由麦克风接收识别后用来控制虚拟管家,进而控制各种家用电器工作。当用户移动时,该接口可以跟踪定位用户(此应用中只需知道用户方向角,也是一维定位),即可随时响应用户的控制命令-Housekeeper system for the design of a virtual microphone array interface, the interface for receiving voice signal as a command,
- 关于UDP数据传输的相关问题,大家在UDP通讯时可以参考使用。-About UDP data transmission related issues at U.S. UDP communication can use and reference.
- Java has become a confusing world. Five years ago, there were few decisions to make once you started programming in Java—you used AWT for graphical user interfaces, sockets for network programming, and hacked together everything else you needed
- 从智能天线的工作原理出发说明使用智能天线时很难实现小区的分扇区应用、多频点天线公 用,因此可以证明智能天线还不是一项可供商用的实用技术 考虑相邻小区/扇区时隙的不对称分 配所产生的相邻小区/扇区收发干扰时,可以证明上、下行时隙实质上是不能按需分配的。3 G使 用的频段是2 GHz,具有传播衰落大、穿透能力差、不易做大范围覆盖。TD2SCDMA标准很难提供3 G标准所规定的在车载、步行、静止环境下分别达到144 kbit/ s、384 kbit/ s和2 048 kbit/ s的无
- IE8正式版已经发布了。本篇文章不会非常扯蛋地去进行什么评测,然后给出什么“Chrome运行Javascr ipt能力是IE8的15倍”、什么“IE8页面渲染速度是Safari的2.456倍”、什么“IE8的抗强暴能力比FireFox高出1.235倍” 这样的操蛋的结论。我管谁比谁强多少?我只知道:当windows7发布的时候,IE8浏览器的市场占有率将让前台开发人员无法说:“不用去管IE8,没有几个人在用它”。所以,这篇文章将会非常务实的讲解一下,IE8中也许是唯一让开发人员感到亲切的“开发人
- 经典的运放的使用说明,里面有运发的各种使用情况,有时间好好看-The classic op amp' s instructions, which are issued by a variety of transportation usage, there is a good time to look at
- 如何通过互联网共亨以单片机应用系统为中心的小型嵌入式设备的信息,成为当今电子界 ... 多任务操作,可以在MCU执行数据采集和控制功能的同时把数据打包并传送到互联网上。 ... 直接驱动普通I/O口实现硬件外设功能(如UART、 I2C、SPI、 Caller ID、FSK等)-How to Hang a total through the Internet-centric single-chip microcomputer application system for small embedd
- AT指令实现anydata CDMA模块DTGS-800的数传功能-AT command to achieve anydata CDMA module DTGS-800' s data transmission capabilities
- ZTE s ME3000 GSM module AT Command handbook. Included SMS, GPRS, TCP and UDP AT command.
- We investigate the case of independent Rayleigh faded paths between antenna elements and find that with high probability extraordinary capacity is available. Compared to the baseline n = 1 case, which by Shannon’s classical formula scales as one
- 本文总结了短信服务系统的原理和几种典型的实现方案,比较了这几种方案的共同点和不同点,并结合实现原理描述了漫游短信和小区短信服务系统实现功能和目标的差异点。针对目前存在着两种系统独立建设、重复投资的问题,本文推荐使用同一厂商的设备,通过一次采集实现包括No.7信令监测、漫游短信服务、小区短信服务的功能。-This paper summarizes the principles of short message service system, and several typical realizat
- ISO/IEC 11172 - Information technology—Coding of moving pictures and associated audio for digital storage media at up to about 1,5 Mbit/s. The standard consists of the following five Parts-ISO 11172 MPEG1 part1/2/3 Systems (storage and synchronizat
- This book attempts to provide an overview of IP-OFDMA technology, commencing with cellular and IP technology for the uninitiated, while endeavoring to pave the way toward OFDMA theory and emerging technologies, such asWiMAX, LTE, and beyond. Th
- Thursday, August 04, 2005 Voice cancellation and my weird taste in music My sister Lubna has this weird habit of doing a bad karaoke act by turning on voice cancellation in the speaker settings and playing any song she (thinks she) can pull o
- ITU-T G.722.2 国际电信联盟G.722.2建议书,2003年7月版。该建议书是语音通讯领域的压缩标准,被GSM,WCDMA,3GPP等采用,题目为16kbit下的宽带语音编码,使用自适应多率宽带编码。 内容主要有代数码激励线性预测编码(ACELP),话音活动检测(VAD)等。-This Recommendation describes the high quality Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband (AMR-WB) encoder and de
- 基于Simulink的DPSK的通信系统仿真 Simulink 是MATLAB提供的实现动态系统建模和仿真的一个软件包,它让用户把精力从编程转向模型的构造,为用户省去了许多重复的代码编写工作;Simulink 的每个模块对用户而言都是透明的,用户只须知道模块的输入、输出以及模块的功能,而不必管模块内部是怎么实现的,于是留给用户的事情就是如何利用这些模块来建立模型以完成自己的仿真任务;至于Simulink 的各个模块在运行时是如何执行,时间是如何采样,事件是如何驱动等细节性问题,用户可以不去
- We consider the design of a block equalizer for an intersymbol interference channel, given that the channel impulse response is not perfectly known at the receiver
- 最近乐鑫的ESP8266 WIFI模块比较火,价格便宜还特别好用。 附件是详细介绍其AT命令使用的说明,并附上一份我自己使用过程中的经验总结。-Le Xin' s recent comparison of fire ESP8266 WIFI module, cheap also particularly easy to use. Attached is detailed explanation of its use of AT commands, together with a summa