TCP性能分析。两个分析模型:拥塞控制,各种场景;给出仿真练习;-two analytical models for TCP’s throughput are compared with simulated
results. Based on the study, an ns2 simulation exercise is developed for the course “Simulation of
telecommunications networks”. The goal of t
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is the dominant transport protocol in the Internet and
supports many of the most popular Internet applications, such as the World Wide Web (WWW),
file transfer and e-mail. TCP congestion control algorithms dyna
Alternative Path-based Congestion Control in WSN设计了一种用于多对一的网络中的资源聚合的机制,-we design a mechanism using spare
resources to mitigate congestion in a many to one network.We
classify the node congestion into two categories according to the
reasons and