OPC Automation2.01
- OLE for Process Control Data Access Automation Interface Standard
- Language - Verilog. The 10GE MAC Core implements the Media Access Control functions for 10Gbps operation as defined in IEEE Std 802.3ae. ,Language- Verilog. The 10GE MAC Core implements the Media Access Control functions for 10Gbps operation as defin
- Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications
- this document decribes the access control list protocol in cisco equipments
- ,DMA方式就是在一定时间段内,由DMA控制器取代CPU,获得总线控制权,来实现内存与外设或者内存的不同区域之间大量数据的快速传送。-, DMA mode is in a certain period of time, by the DMA controller to replace the CPU, access to the bus control, to achieve the memory and peripherals or memory large amounts of data b
- Basic CDMA Principles • Coding • Forward and Reverse Channels CDMA Operational Details • Multiplexing, Forward and Reverse Power Control CDMA Handset Architecture CDMA Handoffs CDMA Network Architecture CDMA
- A Brief Survey of Media Access Control, Data Link Layer, and Protocol Technologies for Lunar Surface Communications
- Security IP Access Control List
- The need for robust access control mechanisms is paramount, especially in Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)s and Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN)s. Current authentication systems are vulnerable to device impersonation by rogue devices. Within
- 个人防火墙核心技术是数据包的截获,通过SPI 服务提供者接口进行网络数据包( Service Provider Interface) 截获能够最完备地得到进程访网信息. 一个功能完备的个人防火墙系统不仅能够封 包截获,还应能解析协议、支持自定义控管规则以及日志记录随时的网络通信状况. 本项目遵循SPI 规 范完整实现了上述功能,给出了一个Windows 下的个人防火墙系统实现过程中的技术要点分析.-Personal firewall core technology is interc
- 本论文主要以IEEE802.1ln协议1.0版本草案为基础,研究的主要内容有两个。第一是研究了802.1ln协议介质控制访问层(MAC)的聚合帧、帧结构简化、预约时间、PSMP等多种有效提高网络吞吐量的关键技术。第二是研究了802.1ln协议中物理层的信道估计技术。-This paper mainly IEEE802.1ln basis of the draft version 1.0 protocol, the study has two main elements. The first is
- 本專題分為3大部份 1. 對單一圖片做邊緣檢測後, 統計其複雜度, 再以 Delaunay 三角網來分割複雜度較高的圖形, 將此圖形之三角網的三點座標與RGP值 取樣後壓縮儲存, 及達成壓縮目的. 還原部份為, 以線性內插則是將取樣後的三角網三點內插後還原之原理, 還原單一影像, 再將所有還原之影像串連撥放即完成之影片還原. 2.讀取RS-232接至RFID門禁系統, 讀取Myfair悠遊卡之卡號, 進行身份辨識後, 可選擇需要觀賞之影片.
- 容量为8K位EEPROM 分为16个扇区,每个扇区为4块,每块16个字节,以块为存取单位 每个扇区有独立的一组密码及访问控制 每张卡有唯一序列号,为32位 - capacity of 8K-bit EEPROM divided into 16 sectors, each sector is 4 blocks, each block of 16 bytes to block a
- 随着网络带宽的越来越大以及嵌入式技术和嵌入式设备的日益发展成熟,过去的很 多设备如今变成了可管理的网络设备,它们不仅嵌入了操作系统和拥有自己的IP 地址,而 且还通过嵌入web 形式的网络代理端以方便用户的控制和管理。本文通过在arm920t 的开发 板上移植BOA(一个开源的web server),并嵌入到接入网络设备当中以实现对其进行web 化的控制和管理。-With increasing network bandwidth and embedded technology a
- UMTS中一种新的RAN结构及其接入控制技术的研究 论文重点研究了这种架构下的关键技术之一一呼叫接入控制技术。文章在分析未来移动通信系统特点的基础上,认为HCS(分层小区结构)是未来移动通信的主要覆盖模式。那么在HCS覆盖模式 下的IP.RAN中的呼叫接入控制策略可以分解为:无线资源部分的层选择技术、接入控制技术和切换技术和IP.RAN网络部分的接入控制技术、切换技术。-This paper focuses on the key technology of the framework of
- 本书是一本关于在Cisco路由器上的IOS软件中进行配置的内容全面的参考书。全书共分为14章,分别介绍了配置基础知识、界面配置、拨号解决方案、桥接技术、IBM连网、IP编址和服务、IP路由选择协议、IP路由处理、非IP路由选择协议、服务质量、Cisco IOS软件交换服务、语音和电话、安全和VPN、访问控制和正则表达式等内容。-This book is a book about Cisco routers in the Cisco IOS software configuration of th
- Within a few years, wireless mesh networking may revolutionize the manner by which you can access the Internet as well as communicate with co-workers and friends. Although the software behind wireless mesh networking is still evolving, the conc
- Synchronization and Access control
- Cognitive Adaptive Medium Access Controlin Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks Spectrum sensing is an integral part of MAC in CR networks and also an energy-consuming operation. Cognitive adaptive MAC (CAMAC) protocol, supports opportunistic transmiss
- BACnet是用于智能建筑的通信协议. BACnet针对智能建筑及控制系统的应用所设计的通信,可用在暖通空调系统(HVAC,包括暖气、通风、空气调节)也可以用在照明控制、门禁系统、火警侦测系统及其相关的设备(BACnet is a communication protocol for intelligent buildings Application of BACnet communication and control system for intelligent building des