- java开发项目编码及开发规范。该文档是针对软件研发的软件开发规范,用于规范项目开发,使软件开发过程有章可循,保证软件质量,加强开发管理。-java development projects and the development of standardized encoding. The document is targeted at software development software development standards to regulate project developm
- 联通MMS开发参考文档, 比较详细, 至少比MM7的API详细-Unicom MMS to develop a reference document, in more detail, at least the API in detail MM7
- java蓝牙通讯文档API,有需要的朋友可以来参考-java Bluetooth communication document API, there is a need to refer a friend you can take a look at
- The simulation of the channel coding theorem i.e., the second theorem of shannon in JAVA.It s a word document that contents all the codes your need to simulate and understand the coding theorem
- ISO8583是银行业的一个重要通信协议,本文档是采用java编写银行应用软件JPOS的开发使用手册,非常实用-ISO8583 is an important communication protocol of the banking sector, the document using java to write the development of the bank of application software JPOS the user manual very practical
- java 多线程 socket 编程示例 wold文档-java multithreading socket programming examples wold document
- 该文档时javaMail开发文档,对于学习java电子邮件的开发很有用,里面详细的介绍的javamail的核心类和如何去使用它开发出类似MSOutlook,foxmail等电子邮件客户端程序!希望对那些学习javamail的人有帮助。-JavaMail development document, the document is useful for learning java development of the e-mail, which provides detailed descr ipt
- 该文档中涵盖了xStream.jar和xStream.chm两个文件,xStream.jar是开发将如何将java对象与xml文件的相互转换所需要的第三方开发包,第二个文件xStream.chm是它的开发文档,开发人员可以查看该文档,来实现自己的功能。对于学习java的人来说这是一个不错的文件。 -The document covers the two files xStream.jar xStream.chm xStream.jar development java object with
- JasperReports报表傻瓜式文档 1 需求说明 在中石化信贷系统需要在WEB页面上提供批复单和签报单的下载,客户提出要使用Jasper Reports报表(以下简称JR)技术。具体的是要提供批复单和签报单的PDF格式文档下载,PDF格式的报表中包括领导签名图片。 2 技术说明 为实现上述需求采用Jasper Reports技术。该技术可以将IRepot设计好的报表与来自javat程序生成的数据进行填充,生成PDF文档。报表的内容由两部分组成,一部分由报表设计工具设
- This document is Tutorial which describes the use of UML with Java(popular waltz). How to create diagrams of class, diagrams of case of use, diagrams of sequences among others. In this Tutorial we have examples of use of the practical cases. One the
- This document is a course of Java Swing. it is very detailed and very complete. it how describes to use the classes of Java Swing, how to create a graphical interface and same how to stack them by creating button of the label the document is very ill
- Java Interface for Desktop Toolkit 6.5 Developer’s Guide. This document introduces you to the concepts, terminology, and procedures relevant to developing a desktop application for contact center agents and staff.
- java编程类文档,主要是描述性文件,体现重要信息,有一定指导性作用-java programming class documentation, mainly descr iptive document reflects important information, there are certain guiding role
- 这是一个关于搭建安卓开发环境的文档技术资料,对于理解java开发环境很有帮助-A document on the development environment to build Android
- Text Document avout java.
- This document is very useful for programming java