- A HYBRID TRANSFORMATION TECHNIQUE FOR ADVANCED VIDEO CODING M. Ezhilarasan, P. Thambidurai Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Information Technology, Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry – 605 014, India
- With the higher and higher of transmitting rate, the signal bandwidth iswider and wider, and the p ractical channel p resents the frequency selective fading character. In this paper, a multi - input multi - output (M IMO) channelmodel under frequ
- Y. Kou, S. Lin, and M. P. C. Fossorier, “Low density parity check codes based on fi nite geometries: a rediscovery and new results,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 47, no. 7, pp. 2711-2736, Nov. 2001
- 高精度GPS同步研究文献很好的参考,实际工程可参考次方法-GPS T he schem e of synch ronized samp ling unit based on GPS is introduced b riefly in the first p art. T hen th is p ap er p ropo ses in detail the softw are and hardw are m ethods to lessen and elim inate jamm ing o
- 基于循环移位图的全相位滤波器本文提出了一种新型的全相位 D盯 数字滤波器频率响应的求取方法一循环 移位图法 , 它是基于全相位滤波器 和原有 F I R 滤波器的相互关系而构造的 , 充分体现了 o F i u r e r 变换的循环移位性质和 卷积窗的关系。 该方法直观 , 深刻反映 了全相位滤波器的内在机理-T i s p a伴 r p e r s e n t s a n o v e l s o l u ti o n t o a c 明i e r h t e f e r 甲 e n
- OFDM是新一代无线通信的核心技术,与非差分调制相比,差分调制的最大优点是可完全不需要信道估计。 本文对 D A P S K 在 O F D M 系统中的应用进行了仿真 , 分析了它在各种不同的信道环境下的性能 , 并与 QA M 做了 比较