C-P-P-source-code 使用结构类型表示复数
- 使用结构类型表示复数。设计程序输入两个复数,可以选择进行复数的+、-、×或÷运算,并输出结果。-Using the structure type represents complex numbers. Enter two complex design process, you can choose the plural+,-,× or ÷ operations, and output.
- viterb算法是卷积码中重要的一种译码算法,程序中用MATLAB实现了VITERB的译码算法,并且写了信道编码程序和二进制码通过以p概率错误的信道程序-viterb algorithm is important as a convolutional code decoding algorithm, the program using MATLAB to achieve a VITERB the decoding algorithm, and wrote letters Road, binary
- tError Con trol Approach of Random L inear Network Coding.A im ing at random linear netwo rk coding, th is paper p ropo ses an er ro r cont ro l method w h ich combines po int2 po int check ing er ro r and end2 end ret ransm ission . By vir tue of
- PELCO-D与PELCO-P协议介绍,详细描述了协议的实现方法,两种协议的差异,对于代码实现很有帮助-PELCO-D and PELCO-P protocol descr iption, a detailed descr iption of the implementation of the agreement, differences between the two protocols is helpful for code