- 两篇最新的介绍MIMO中继信道容量的文章Capacity Bounds for Gaussian MIMO relay channel with Channel State Information 与 Amplify-Forward and Decode-Forward The Impact of Location and Capacity Contour-2, introduced the latest MIMO channel capacity relay article Capacity
- On the Stability Region of Amplify-and-Forward Cooperative Relay Networks (Jubin Jose, Lei Ying, Sriram Vishwanath)
- In this paper, we study a decode-and-forward twoway relaying network. We propose an opportunistic two-way relaying (O-TR) scheme based on joint network coding and opportunistic relaying. In the proposed scheme, one single “best relay” is sele
- In this paper, we focus on the general relay channel. We investigate the application of the estimate-and-forward (EAF) relaying scheme to different scenarios. Specifically, we study assignments of the auxiliary random variable that always satis
- 本系统以光纤有线网络为骨干,以无线网络为延伸,在井下设立若干无线基站,无线基站之间支持无线链路连接,每台无线基站都具有无线接入和无线转发的功能,组成无线局域网络覆盖井下巷道,使得井下数据在数据终端和各基站之间有秩序的接力转发。这种无线接力转发组网的方式在国内外属前沿技术,在井上已有初步的应用。-The system to fiber optic cable network as the backbone for the extension of wireless networks, severa
- In this paper, we consider a coded cooperation diversity scheme that is suitable for L-relay channels that operate in the decode–forward mode. The proposed scheme is based on convolutional coding, where each codeword of the source node is partitioned
- Relay in wireless network
- An ad-hoc network with a sender, a destination and a third station act- ing as a relay is analysed. The channels are modelled containing thermal noise, Rayleigh fading and path loss. Di® erent combining methods and di- versity protocols are
- Sparse Channel Estimation for MIMO-OFDM Amplify-and-Forward Two-Way Relay Networks
- In this paper, we propose a distributed Alamouti space-time code (DASTC) for two-way relay networks employing a single amplify-and-forward (AF) relay. We first derive closedform expressions for the approximated average sum-rate of the propose
- In this paper, an Alamouti-coded decode-And-forward protocol with optimum relay selection for three-user one destination cooperative communications is investigated. Particularly, we design the new protocol that allows the source node retransmitti