- In wireless local area networks often a station can potentially associate with more than one access point. Therefore, a relevant question is which access point to select “ best” from a list of candidate ones. In IEEE 802.11, the user
- localization in wireless sensor networks it is a parabolistic approach using RF signal strength
- gives details about received signal strength indicator(rssi) their parameters and algorithms used.
- Self-adaptive Localization using signal strength Measurements
- The code is self explanatory, but for the sake of clarity it is elaborated in this section. The code requires a set of input values for the parameters, for example, the value of “threshold signal”, which is the value of signal strength. Any sig
- 一种新的基于链路质量指标或接收信号强度获取 节点相对位置的实用型高适应性定位算法,降低了无线传感网络节点定位对硬件的要求-A new index based on link quality or received signal strength for the relative position of nodes practical high adaptability positioning algorithm, reducing the wireless sensor network no
- Primary user emulation (PUE) attacks on cognitive radio networks pose a serious threat to the deployment of this technique. Previous approaches usually depend on individual or combined received signal strength (RSS) measurements to detect emulato
- We have proposed a digitally implemented QPSK system for Free-Space Optics (FSO) systems for future satellite missions. We have used a Laser source of 1550nm wavelength and data rate of 2.5Gbps.The system consists of a modulating and a demodulating b
- Awareness of the physical location for each node is required by many wireless sensor network applications. The discovery of the position can be realized utilizing range measurements including received signal strength, time of arrival, time di