- The goal of this paper is to describe processes how to simulate the lifetime of the WSN network during a data gathering. We describe tasks such as topology generation and visualization, data routing and communication cost calculation. To esti
- 感器技术、微机电系统、现代网络和无线通信等技术的进步,推动丁具有现代意义的无线传感器网络的产生和发展。无线传感 器网络能档广泛地应用于恶劣环境和军事领域中。该文通过对无线传感器网络特点的分析,提出了基于信道接入的多跳讣簇网络结构,给 出了.OPNET仿真模型,分析了相关仿真结果。-Because of advances in sensor technology,micro-electro—mechanism system fMEMS).modern network and wireles
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