Cell 组件5.3.8.0620
- 演示地址:http://www.cellsoft.cc/Cell/Infor_List.asp?lx=Cell%B2%FA%C6%B7%D0%C5%CF%A2&id=18&title=在线演示 Cell 组件、插件(ActiveX控件)是华表公司在长期开发实践的基础上推出的功能强大、技术成熟的报表二次开发工具,是国内技术领先拥有广泛客户群的商业报表组件,有700多个编程接口,实现报表自定义,报表显示、打印预览、打印,图表,公式,自定义函数、资源本地化等强大功能,能够
- FFTW is a free collection of fast C routines for computing the Discrete Fourier Transform in one or more dimensions. It includes complex, real, symmetric, and parallel transforms, and can handle arbitrary array sizes efficiently. FFTW is typical
EhLib.VCL 9.5 Compiled Demo projects
- Compiled Demo projects 9.97 MB http://www.ehlib.com/en/downloads EhLib.VCL 9.5 Compiled Demo projects Demo projects is a self extracting archive which contains a set of EhLib demonstration applications. For an installation of demo projects y