- 三星44BOX的中文文档,主要内容为:1 产品预览, 2 管脚描述, 3 指令集, 4 存储管理,5 时钟和电源管理模式,6 CPU WRAPPER & BUS PRIORITIES,...... 18 IO (同步 I/O) -Chinese documents, mainly as follows : a product preview, two pin descr iption, 3 instruction set. 4 memory management, 5 clock and p
wince 2440 camera
- 1.目录说明: (1)driver目录内为摄像头驱动程序,在三星2440平台调试通过,针对OV7725 sensor. (2)app目录内为应用程序,可以通过摄像头进行预览,拍照等功能。 2.请将driver目录下的camera复制到三星2440平台的BSP包中,在platform builder环境下编译。 3.编译应用程序请打开工程app\CamDemo\CamDemo.vcw, 使用eVC4.0编译。
- wince6.0,三星s3c6410平台下实现的摄像头预览程序,directshow,有完善的线程处理结构,需要的同学有福了。默认屏幕800x480。-wince6.0, Samsung s3c6410 platform to achieve camera preview program, directshow, a perfect thread structure, students in need blessed. The default screen 800x480.
- 本文详细阐述了在ARM9平台下,基于WindowsCE5.0的视频监控系统的 设计过程。设计选用了基于三星$3C2440处理器的试验开发板作为硬件平台, 开发板上外接USB摄像头来采集实时图像,通过视频采集程序,在WINCE下 实现对实时图像预览,抓拍,录像的功能。-In this paper,it mainly introduced the design process of the video surveillance system which based WindowsCE
- 三星网络监控SNZ5200客户端程序,实现实时预览,抓拍,录像,ptz等操作,配合三星SDK使用-Samsung SNZ5200 client network monitoring, real-time preview, capture, video, ptz, etc, with the Samsung SDK to use
- 三星网络摄像机预览。配合三星SDK使用(Samsung client network monitoring, real-time preview, capture, video, ptz, etc, with the Samsung SDK to use)(Webcam Preview(Samsung client network monitoring, real-time preview, capture, video, ptz, etc, with the Samsung SDK to us