- matlab 7.0 以上版本提供了强大的优化工具箱,但在整数规划方面,只提供了bintprog()这个m文件以求解0-1整数规划,而对于一般的整数规划模型没有具体的算法提供。我们一般情况只是用最简单的分值定界思想编写matlab程序求解整数规划问题,但效率低下,如何利用求解整数规划的先进算法编写matlab程序提上日程,香港大学的李端和复旦大学编写的《Nonlinear Integer Programming》(非线性整数规划)为编写解决整数规划问题提供强大有效的算法,其中算法针对具体问题包括
- 对偶单纯形法求解线性规划问题,得到问题的最优解-Dual simplex method for solving linear programming problems, to obtain the optimal solution
- 利用对偶分裂方法求解TV+L1的图像恢复问题-the dual-splitting approach for imamge restoration based on total variational.
- 求解凸优化问题的算法,基于对偶分解法decomposition-decomposition method for convex optimization
- 原对偶内点法求解非线性最优化问题的测试程序,能准确快速的收敛到最优值-Primal dual interior point method for solving nonlinear optimization problem of the test procedure can accurately and quickly converge to the optimal value
- 算法是原始对偶算法,该方法充分的剖析了优化问题的结构,是求解二次规划问题的一个较好的算法。求解比采用matlab 的Quardprog求解速度快许多!-Algorithm is the original dual algorithm, this method is fully analyzed the optimization of structure, is to solve the quadratic programming problem of a good algorithm. To s
- 清华大学王书宁老师凸优化课程原对偶内点法求解二次规划问题-code using primal dual interior point method to solve the problem of quadratic programming in convex optimization class by Shuning Wang, Tsinghua univ.
- 原对偶内点法求解各种非线性方程组,以及非线性优化问题-Primal-dual interior point method for solving nonlinear equations and nonlinear optimization problem
- 快速对偶增广拉格朗日算法,目标函数的最优化求解,常用于逆问题的求解,是典型的L1范数算法。-Quick optimization for dual augmented Lagrangian algorithm for solving the objective function, commonly used in inverse problem solving, is typical of L1 norm algorithm.
- 应用内点法中原-对偶路径跟踪法,求解线性规划问题,也可以用于求解最优潮流问题,不过KKT方程较复杂。-using the original- dual path following method is used to solve linear programming problems
subgradient optimization
- 在最优化问题中,运用拉格朗日松弛时为了解决其对偶问题,可以使用次梯度方法进行求解拉格朗日乘子。(Lagrangean relaxation, a technique of quite general applicability, is studied in the particular context of the optimization problem with arbitrary additional constraints. To solve the Lagrangian dual, w
- 利用次梯度算法求解基于拉格朗日对偶方法的问题(subgradient algorithm)
- 原对偶内点法求解电力系统最优潮流,程序简单易懂,方便自己修改系统数据及参数以应用于自己的实际问题中(the prime-dual interior point method to solve optimal power flow, easy understanding, the data, charameters and program code could be easily modified and applied in your own program)
L-shaped singlecut
- 随机规划理论,利用对偶问题确定其可行切割和最优切割,并通过逐步求解主问题使之收敛到最优解.(Stochastic programming theory, using the dual problem to determine its feasible cutting and optimal cutting, and by gradually solving the main problem to converge to the optimal solution.)
- 使用cvx工具箱求解svm的原问题及其对偶问题(use cvx toolbox to solve the primal and dual problems of support vector machine)
- 放射治疗射线的线性优化模型的最优的射野强度,并给出剂量分布(画出剂量分布图)。 从原问题的求解中给出对偶问题的最优解。(Solve the linear optimization model of radiation for treatment, calculate the optimal field strength, and give the dose distribution (draw the dose distribution chart). Give the optimal s
- 用次梯度方法求解拉格朗日对偶问题的例子。。。。。。(Solve the optimal problem)
power system scheme
- 用遗传算法求解电网规划问题,双层算法求解,上层为遗传算法,下层利用拉格朗日对偶线性化后求解(Genetic algorithm is used to solve the power grid planning problem, double-layer algorithm is used to solve the problem, the upper layer is genetic algorithm, and the lower layer is solved by Lagrange dua