- 人工蜂群算法的matlab源代码,共有两个版本,原作者版和改进版。 -Artificial Bee Colony (ABC)algorithm matlab source code, there are two versions, the original author version and an improved version. Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) is one of the most recently defined algorithms
- 原始人工蜂群算法求解无约束优化问题,改进了原始算法获得了更好的优化性能-original artificial bee colony algorithm for solving unconstrained optimization problems,we modified this algorithm and obtain a better performance
- 基于一种改进人工蜂群算法的认知无线电频谱分配 -An improved artificial bee colony algorithm based on cognitive radio spectrum allocation
- 改进版的人工蜂群算法,包含了测试函数,可以运行的。-ABC algorithm coded using MATLAB language,Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) is one of the most recently defined algorithms by DervisKaraboga in 2005, motivated by the intelligent behavior of honey bees
- 这是对人工蜂群算法加了加速策略进行的改进,称为CABC-this is a algorithm named CABC,which is improved in the fundmantal of ABC(artificial bee clonoy algorithm)
- 基于matlab编写的改进搜索策略的人工蜂群算法,使得跟随蜂根据新改进的轮盘赌概率新公式选择跟随引领蜂采蜜-Prepared based on artificial bee colony algorithm matlab improved search strategy, so follow the honey bee bee choose to follow the lead based on new and improved roulette probability a new formul
- 改进的人工蜂群算法,用来优化参数,比以前的人工蜂群算法寻优能力更强-Improved artificial swarm algorithm to optimize parameters of artificial colony algorithm optimization ability more than before
- 硕士论文:人工蜂群算法的研究。介绍了人工蜂群算法及其改进。-Master Thesis: the research of the artificial bee colony algorithm. The artificial bee colony algorithm and its improvement are introduced.
- 人工 蜂群算法的一种改进,用于解决TSP问题,以中国31个城市的对称TSP为例,效果较好。-Artificial bee colony algorithm is an improvement to solve the problem of TSP, China s 31 cities in the symmetric TSP, for example, the effect is better.
- 经典的粗糙算法集代码,内有实例。主要用来数据约减,数据分类,优化(Classic rough sets of code, there are examples)
- 人工蜂群算法(Artificial Bee Colony, ABC)是由Karaboga于2005年提出的一种新颖的基于群智能的全局优化算法,其直观背景来源于蜂群的采蜜行为,蜜蜂根据各自的分工进行不同的活动,并实现蜂群信息的共享和交流,从而找到问题的最优解。人工蜂群算法属于群智能算法的一种。(Artificial bee colony algorithm is a novel optimization algorithm based on swarm intelligence is propos
- 本文档是matlab版的人工蜂群算法,包含第一版和改进版(This document is the matlab version of the artificial bee colony algorithm, including the first edition and improved version)
- 介绍了一种新的人工蜂群算法,此算法可以用来解决任何多维函数优化问题。算法收敛性比较好!(This paper introduces a new artificial swarm algorithm which can be used to solve any multidimensional function optimization problems.Algorithm convergence is good!)
YPEA114 Artificial Bee Colony
- 改进的人工蜂群算法,克服蜂群算法目前存在的缺点(Improved artificial bee colony algorithm)
- 改进版人工蜂群算法,实现复杂函数的有效求解!!(The improved artificial bee colony algorithm realizes the effective solution of complex functions!!)
- 基于人工蜂群算法的鲁棒通信定位算法与实现(Robust communication location algorithm and Implementation Based on artificial bee colony algorithm)
- 人工蜂群算法的改进,基于混沌的人工蜂群算法,可求解优化问题(The improvement of artificial colony algorithm, based on chaos artificial colony algorithm, can solve the optimization problem)
- matlab语言的人工蜂群算法,包括最初版本和改进版两版(Matlab language artificial bee colony algorithm, including the initial version and the improved version)
- 基于改进人工蜂群算法的K均值聚类算法-喻金平-郑杰-梅宏标,matlab(K-means clustering algorithm based on improved artificial bee colony algorithm-Yu Jinping-Zheng Jie-Mei Hongbiao, matlab)
- 改进的人工蜂群算法K均值聚类算法寻找全局最优解(Improved artificial bee colony algorithm K-means clustering algorithm to find the global optimal solution)