- 超强的暴力EA。里面包括mq4源文件及编译后ex4文件。EA自动交易的mq4、 ex4文件复制至experts\下即可使用,请先测试后再在真实帐号应用。-Super violence EA. Which includes the mq4 source file and compiled ex4 file. MQ4 EA automated trading, ex4 file copied to the experts \ can use, please test and then in a re
- 据说3个月的时间从500美元做到80000美元的暴力剥皮EA,里面包含一个快速平台用的源码和一个慢速平台用的源码。具体设置,文件里有。请大家自行测试-It is said that three months time to $ 80,000 from $ 500 to do violence peeling EA, which contains the source code for a fast platform with source code and a slow platform. Sp
- 趋势ea顺势暴力加仓,建议选择趋势强的货币(Upload source code or programming information, this is a program for foreign exchange transactions))
Blazer_Robot_modified (3)
- 外汇市场用于mt4软件的只能交易ea 马丁策略 加仓 暴力 适合大资金(Suitable for large funds)
fould fx EA
- 翻仓EA,一种顺势暴力盈利EA,网格交易(Barn EA, profit-making profit)
暴力fould fxea
- 这事一款修改过的MT4 破解ea源码,效果非常不错,可自行下载测试(This modified MT4 cracked the EA source code. The result is very good. It can download and test by itself.)
Camusin_ForexRobot v1.5(1)
- 该款ea比较有学习价值,调整对应参数后按调整特殊时段,建议波动比较低的时段运行,亚盘比较合适(This EA has relatively learning value. After adjusting the corresponding parameters, we suggest that we should adjust the special time interval and suggest that the operation is relatively low.)
- 主要适用于抄底点差平台,建议多做测试,实盘上可能会有滑点情况造成损失,所以建议分时段运作(It is mainly applicable to the bottom reading platform. It is recommended to do more tests. There may be slippage on the actual market, so it is recommended to operate at different intervals.)
- 收益很稳的EA,全自动交易。支持多种货币。年收益1500%(The profitable EA, fully automated trading. Support a variety of currencies. Annual income 1500%)
- 一种暴力刷单的EA,能在EU/UJ等货币对上不停刷单(EA king is a powful ai machine for forex, you can get more profit from the EA)
- 著名的马丁翻倍很好用的暴力EA,最好轻仓进行操作((According to the list you enter, you can automatically move the stop loss according to the number of points set, and set up the Ping Bao line.))
- the auto ea of trading system
- This is a scalp-based EA, can do shock, breakthrough, but to rationally set the parameters, EA is only a tool, like AK47, with a good muzzle against the enemy is to conquer the enemy, not good, muzzle against oneself is only a part of self-murder
- 采用斐波那契回调线算法自动下单,移动止损,内部增设新闻过滤波,可以设置周一到周五交易时间段,适合欧元兑美元15分钟图,绝对暴力(Using Fibonacci callback line algorithm to automatically place orders, move stops, and add news filtering wave inside, you can set trading time from Monday to Friday, which is suitable f
- 刷单EA对点差和平台没有要求,单量大单货币月平均刷单20收左右,7x24小时交易,EA自带止损止盈。现在免费分享出来,喜欢刷单的朋友自己下载(Super single swiping EA has no requirements for point difference and platform. A large amount of single currency swipes 20 or so orders on average every month, trades for 7x24 hou
- 欧美机构ea,智能暴力,回测稳定,mt4可以试用(European and American institutions ea, intelligent violence, stable backtest)
- 趋势EA, 每日算好精准的入场点,自带止盈止损,带跟踪止损功能,带资金管理功能。 下单数量根据资金数量来决定。 这款EA不是一款短期暴力的EA,但是长期来做盈利能力足以让剥头皮或者加仓类的EA汗颜。 Ceco.ex4 放置在 MT4软件 experts目录 Ceco.dll 放置在 MT4软件 experts目录下的libraries目录(CECO is MQL4 EA auto trading system)
- 暴力小马丁,适合小资金,已实盘操作过。回撤不超过20%。(Violent Martin Jr., suitable for small funds, has been operated on a firm basis.)
- 2020暴力马丁 这款EA值得一提的倒不是其影响有多大,而是在策略上也有所创新。 该款EA采用了“部分平仓”的策略,即将部分盈利单与部分亏损单对冲,获取少许利润,而不是等到价格回调到账户整体盈利的时候全部平仓。 这种策略在以往的Martingale EA中很少见到,是其新颖之处。这种“部分平仓”的策略可以抓住市场最小的回调机会来减轻仓位,降低风险;当然,也有可能会“操之过急”,失去了全部平仓的机会,为将来留下后患。 但总体上说来,这种策略会将浮亏控制得更好,其承受市场风
- 趋势加仓,风控合理,适合小资金,多品种对冲暴力ea