- 征途绿色版兄弟会任务脚本,全自动任务,无人值守,免费开源-Green version of the Brotherhood mission journey scr ipt, automatic task, unattended, free open-source
swf to fla 工具小巧绿色版
- swf to fla 工具小巧绿色版,用来把flash影片转换为可编辑的.fla文件,可提取其中的图片等内容。
- 大名鼎鼎的,IDM 单文件精简绿色版本。解压即可使用,非常方便。网页下载利器(The famous IDM single file Lite green version. Decompression can be used, very convenient. Web download tool)
- 开发助手 Android逆向助手2.2绿色版(so反编译工具)(Android reverse assistant 2.2 Green Edition (so decompile tool))
haneWIN DHCP Server V3.0.14汉化版
- 提供一个haneWIN DHCP Server 3.0.14/3.0.12简体中文绿色版。该软件是作为PXE服务器用。可以远程启动grldr,之后可以顺利加载*桃的PE。绿化后基本不需要配置,只需改动DHCPsrv.ini中的IP地址即可。haneWIN DHCP Server特别感谢DOS联盟论坛的xugaohui大侠提供的注册码和MouseDOS论坛discloser大侠提供的汉化文件。本人只是把组合到一起组成haneWIN DHCP Server,写个批处理,基本没有技术含量。其中绿化.
- fiddler2 中文版绿色版 需要的小伙伴可以下载(Fiddler2 Chinese version of the green version of the need for small partners can download)
文件MD5查看器 v1.0 绿色版
- 分享一个文件MD5查看器 v1.0 绿色版,可以读取各种文件的MD5值。(Share a MD5 file viewer v1.0 green version, you can read a variety of file MD5 value.)
ora10g 绿色客户端
- 一款绿色版的oracle客户端工具,利于开发人员快速链接数据库服务器,快速查询相关数据等。(A green version of the Oracle client tools, help developers quickly link database server, query the relevant data quickly.)
Navicat for MySQL
- Navicat for MySQL破解版绿色版(Navicat for MySQL crack green version)
- socket测试端工具,绿色版,很好用。(Socket testing tools, I pro test, very good use)
网页在线视频截取工具(SnapaShot) v3.7 绿色版
- 网页在线视频截取工具(SnapaShot) v3.7 绿色版(Webpage online video interception tool (SnapaShot) V3.7 Green Edition)
- VC6.0是兼容C、和C++的常用软件,对于刚开始学习的童鞋们是很好的软件(VC6.0 is a common software that is compatible with C and C++, and is a good software for children who have just started learning.)
SIA SmaartLive 5绿色版
- 强大的声场测试软件,免安装,绿色版,现场音响调试首选(Powerful sound field testing software)
- 局域网IP扫描器(Advanced+IP+Scanner)+2.4+汉化绿色版(LAN IP scanner (Advanced+IP+Scanner) +2.4+ Sinicization green version.)
禾丰网页数据抓取工具V1.0 绿色版
- 禾丰网页数据抓取工具V1.0 绿色版 网络爬虫(Wellhope web data scraping tool V1.0 green version)
- 绿色版手机购物商城,非常帮的可以下载用一下。
- DD绿色版手机购物商城,非常的帮的软件DD green version of mobile shopping mall, very helpful software(DD green version of mobile shopping mall, very helpful software)
- stc-isp-V4.38绿色版,能够将stc公司的代码烧入单片机中(Stc-isp-V4.38 green version, the STC company's code can be burned into the microcontroller.)
- 包含Sqv8绿色版,及词库,可加载多种功能,用起来换算可以吧(Contains Sqv8 green version, and thesaurus, can load a variety of functions, can be used to convert it)
ex4 to mq4 2017(ex4文件反编译软件) 绿色版
- ex4 to mq4 2017(ex4文件反编译软件) 绿色版(Green version of EX4 to mq4 2017 (ex4 file decompilation software))