- 凌阳1602液晶显示器驱动。IOA高8接数据 IOB8~10接RS、RW、E
- 1602液晶测试程序, RS EQU P3.7 RW EQU P3.6 E EQU P3.5
- DS18B20+液晶1602构成的高精度温度计 ;连线图: ; DB0---DPROT.0 DB4---DPROT.4 RS-------------P1.2 ; DB1---DPROT.1 DB5---DPROT.5 RW-------------P1.3 ; DB2---DPROT.2 DB6---DPROT.6 E--------------P1.4 ; DB3---DPROT.3 DB7---DPROT.7 VLCD接10K可调电阻到GND* DQ----P1.1 ;功能说明:1602液
- 1602 lcd 显示驱动 与按键监测 控制口 rs=P0^7 rw=P3^3 sbit ep=0xc4 数据接口 P2 24M时钟 显示范围为 0~9 A~Z a~z : - / < > . 按键 P1 共计16个按键键值1~16 返回0表示无键入 -1602 lcd display driver with key monitoring and control port rs = P0 ^ 7 rw = P3 ^ 3 sbit ep = 0x
- 8051用DS18B20测温,4小数用1602显示,P1^7 为DS18B20单总线引脚,P2^4-P2^6对应1602的:RS,RW,EN.P0^0-P0^7为1602DB0-DB7接口.-8051 with the DS18B20 temperature measurement, with the 1602 show four decimal places, P1 ^ 7 for the DS18B20 single bus pin, P2 ^ 4-P2 ^ 6 corresponds to
- 1602总线方式显示一串字符,地址定义 RS----P2.0 RW----P2.1 E----P2.7 >74ls00+wr+rd -LCD1602
- 1602液晶显示程序,8位数据线接PB口。 RS=PA0,RW=PA1,E=PA2.-1602 LCD program, 8-bit data lines connected PB mouth. RS = PA0, RW = PA1, E = PA2.
- 数字钟,p0口与1602的数据相连,rs-P3.0,RW-P3.1,EN-P3.2。用timer0 产生1s中断。自定义的ampm标志。 请问高手:“什么时候自制的ampm图形会在38H中呢?为什么指令CPL ACC.0就是改变ampm图形呢?”请高手赐教-Digital clock, p0 port is connected with the 1602 data, rs-P3.0, RW-P3.1, EN-P3.2. 1s generated by timer0 interrupt. Cust
- 液晶屏1602测试程序 1602液晶屏C语言程序 开发板: 伟嵌科技----小强开发板 硬件连接: RS- P2.2 RW - P2.3 EN - P2.4 DATAPORT - P0 -1602 LCD 1602 LCD test program C language program development board: Xiao Qiang Wei---- embedded technology development board hardware connection
- 对液晶1602控制的c程序 ,测试通过。接法: E接P2.、RW接P2.、RS接P2.5-1602 for LCD control of the c program test. Connection: E then P2., RW then P2., RS received P2.5
- 多字符LCD显示 P1接LCD1口,P3.7接RS口,P3.6接RW口,P3.5接E口 现象:LCD显示屏显示“welcome to qiuxin mcu!”-Multi-character LCD display connected LCD1 port P1, P3.7 connected RS mouth, P3.6 connected RW mouth, P3.5 access port E phenomenon: LCD display shows " welcome t
- LCD1602的显示。可自行修改显示的文字,RW端可接单片机引脚,但在程序中要写入RW=0-LCD1602 display. Can modify the text displayed, RW end microcontroller pins can be connected, but in the program to write RW = 0
- //功能:温度传感器18B20序列码检测及温度1602显示 //说明:直接调用1602的头文件形式,PA口控制数据 PB456控制RS RW EN,18B20控制口为DQ对应了PB3 //注意:18B20时,配置了锁相环配置时钟频率为10MHz-//Function: 18B20 sequence code detection and temperature of the temperature sensor 1602 Show// Descr iption: Direct calls
- arduino + 1602 +dht11 + sr04 + ds1307-#include <LiquidCrystal.h> LiquidCrystal lcd(2,3,4,5,6,7) /* 1602 vss to gnd vdd to 5v RS TO PIN2 RW TO GND E TO PIN3 D4 TO PIN4 D5 TO PIN5 D6 TO PIN6 D7 TO PIN7 A TO 5V K TO GN
- 1602 51测试程序,为51单片机初学者准备的LCD1602测试程序。只需简单的修改RS RW EN端口即可应用到自己的系统中,方便简洁。-test code for C51 and LCD1602
- 1602的程序P1.1接RS,P1.2接en,P1.3接rw。P2.0~P2.7接的D0~D7。P2.6和P2.7这两个端口的SEL在复位以后默认是1,注意置0-Program P1.1 1602 pick RS, P1.2 then en, P1.3 pick rw. P2.0 ~ P2.7 pick of D0 ~ D7. SEL P2.6 and P2.7 of the two ports after reset default is 1, attention is set