- AtomicParsley is a lightweight command line program that can read and set iTunes-style metadata tags in MPEG-4 files & 3gp assets in 3GPP/3GPP2 files.
- 主流音频编解码标准ITU: G.711、G.729等 MPEG:MP3、AAC等 3GPP:AMR、AMR-WB、AMR-WB+等 3GPP2:IS127等
- The channel modeling work package WP1 of IST-WINNER project provided a Matlab implementation of the WINNER Phase II Model (referred as WIM this onward). The main purpose of the WIM channel models is to generate a radio channel realisations for a
- 在本论文中我们根据3GPP协议TR25.813,25.814,25.913和25.914的要求和参数,设计搭建了一个基于SC-FDMA的准静态系统级仿真器. -In this paper, we according to 3GPP agreement TR25.813, 25.814,25.913 and 25.914 of the requirements and parameters, designed to build an SC-FDMA-based quasi-static sys
- Cellular Authentication for Mobile and Internet Services introduces the reader into the field of secure communication for mobile applications, including secure web browsing with a phone or PC, Single Sign-On (SSO), mobile broadcast content protection
- 近年来随着移动互联网业务和物联网业务的兴起与 发展,用户对移动宽带业务需求越来越旺盛,对移动通信 网络的接入速率和质量要求也越来越高,原有基于码分多 址(CDMA)的3G及其增强技术未来将无法满足业务发展 需要,因此3GPP及3GPP2组织自2004年开始启动长期 演进(LTE)/空口演进(AIE,后改名为超移动宽带UMB)项 目,旨在通过引入一些关键技术,如正交频分复用(OFDM) 调制技术、多入多出(MIMO)技术、混合自动重传请求 (HARQ)、全IP扁平化
- At the beginning of 2004, the standards for third generation (3G) cellular technology were embodied in 483 Technical Specifications published by the two Partnership Projects: 3GPP and 3GPP2.
- At the beginning of 2004, the standards for third generation (3G) cellular technology were embodied in 483 Technical Specifications published by the two Partnership Projects: 3GPP and 3GPP2.
- At the beginning of 2004, the standards for third generation (3G) cellular technology were embodied in 483 Technical Specifications published by the two Partnership Projects: 3GPP and 3GPP2.
- At the beginning of 2004, the standards for third generation (3G) cellular technology were embodied in 483 Technical Specifications published by the two Partnership Projects: 3GPP and 3GPP2.
- LTE-SAE (Long-term evolution – system architecture evolution) systems promise unprecedented performance in new and existing frequency bands for 3GPP and 3GPP2 operators. The simplified and optimized architecture uses a minimum number of nodes i
- C# Base Media File Format Library. C# parser libraries and tools for a variety of common media containers including MP4, MOV, ISMV, 3GP, DCF, JP2, MJ2, M21, DVB, F4V and TS. Parses ISO Base Media File Format files including QuickTime (.mov, .m