- 3D depth estimation for visual inspection using wavelet transform modulus maxima
2011_Model Based Joint Bit Allocation Between Texture Videos and Depth Maps for 3D Video Coding.pdf
- 3D
- 3D shape reconstruction matlab code. It used shape from defocus technique with least squares. You can reconstruct 3D shape with only two different depth images.,3D shape reconstruction matlab code. It used shape from defocus technique with least squa
- Generate a depth map
- Direct3D8教程:主要讲述3D数学基础,3D编程基础。第一章、准备就绪。第二章、绘制三角形。第三章、旋转的立方体。第四章、全屏模式和深度缓冲。第五章、矩阵变换。第六章、纹理。第七章、灯光与材质。第八章、索引缓冲。第九章、有纹理的球体、圆柱体和锥体。第十章、载入模型。第十一章、3D中的2D。第十二章、键盘与鼠标输入。第十三章、声音和音乐。-Direct3D8 Tutorial: 3D, focuses on the foundations of mathematics, 3D program
- 人们之所以能够看到深度,是因为,来自三维世界的不同视角。本程序尝试从一个2D图像映射并计算对应的3D的距离。-People have been able to see the depth, is because the three-dimensional world from different perspectives. This procedure attempts to map from a 2D image and calculate the corresponding 3D dista
- flash AS 绘制3D宝石,可旋转,可变色,3D算法的深入应用-3D Rendering flash AS precious stones, can rotate, can change color, 3D algorithm in-depth application
- 精通DirectX 3D图形与动画程序设计 这本书的源码 08_第八章 深度测试与Alpha混合-Proficient in DirectX 3D graphics and animation programming source of this book 08_ Chapter VIII of the depth of testing and Alpha mixed
- 精通DirectX 3D图形与动画程序设计 第2章 Direct3D程序设计基础 18 2.1 相关基础知识 18 2.2 Direct3D体系结构 19 2.3 Direct3D对象 21 2.4 Direct3D设备对象 21 2.4.1 Direct3D设备类型 21 2.4.2 创建Direct3D设备对象 23 2.5 Direct3D程序基本结构 25 2.6 最简单的Direct3D程序 25 2.6.1 工程项目和开发环境设置 29 2
- Stereo Matching for depth estimation in 3D graphics
- 3D shape reconstruction matlab code. It used shape from defocus technique with divergence. You can reconstruct 3D shape with only two different depth images.
- 3D shape reconstruction matlab code. It used shape from defocus technique with diffusion. You can reconstruct 3D shape with only two different depth images.
- Stereo Vision is an area of study in the field of Machine Vision that attempts to recreate the human vision system by using two or more 2D views of the same scene to derive 3D depth information about the scene. Depth information can be used to trac
- projet de reconstruction 3D à partir des images 2D
- OpenGL编程指南第六版 ,英文电子书pdf格式-he OpenGL? Programming Guide, Sixth Edition, provides definitive and comprehensive information on OpenGL and the OpenGL Utility Library. The previous edition covered OpenGL through Version 2.0. This sixth edition of the best
- 3 D Depth reconstruction
- An overview of 3D and free viewpoint video is given in this paper with special focus on related standardization activities in MPEG. Free viewpoint video allows the user to freely navigate within real world visual scenes, as known from virtual w
- This paper will present details of a system that allows for an evolutionary introduction of depth perception into the existing 2D digital TV framework. The work is part of the European Information Society Technologies (IST) project “Advanced
- 二维图像三维立体视差算法依据的文章是: “Segment-Based Stereo Matching Using Belief Propogation and a Self-Adapting Dissimilarity Measure” by Klaus, Sormann, and Karner 主要步骤: Getting Pixel Disparity Filtering the Pixel Disparity 包含的文件: demo.m, .#newrea
- 使用VC++编写的生成3D深度图的代码,测试通过,运行是需要在代码中手动添加图像!-Prepared using VC++ generate 3D depth map of the code, test, operation is needed in the code manually add an image!