- This a very simple baseband simulator for SC-FDMA system. This simulator is part of the upcoming book “Single Carrier FDMA: A New Air Interface for Long Term Evolution” (Wiley, Nov. 2008) which I co-authored with professor David J. Goodman at Polytec
- wo former guest researchers at NIST, Maarit Melvasalo, from VTT, Finland, and Tommi Makelainen from Nokia Research Center, Finland, built a simulation of the 3GPP FDD proposal for 3G wireless. The simulation can run on Simulink or as a stand alone C-
- at-command 3gpp-27007-630
- 基于3G_324M协议的可视电话终端软件设计 该文档提出了基于商用3G/324M协议栈的3G可视电话解决方案,该解决方案采用Windows Mobile操作系统,目标是实现基于 3GPP 3G-324M协议的3G手机可视电话应用。该方案具有良好的互操作性, 较低的成本,具有重要的现实和工程意义。 阅读前请先安装CAJViewer阅读器。 -Based 3G_324M protocol video phone terminal software design of the do
- 3GPP协议的中文导读文档,做3GPP开发寻找协议的朋友可以看看。-3GPP protocol of the Chinese guided reading documents, and friends can look at do 3GPP development to find agreement.
- 标准的AT命令集,版本为3GPP TS 27.007 version 4.6.0 Release 4,推荐研究AT指令集的朋友下载-The standard AT command set, the version of 3GPP TS 27.007 version 4.6.0 Release 4, recommends study of AT instruction set of a friend to download
- 3G的AT指令标准 版本为:V8.7.0 (2009-03) 英文版-3G, AT commands standard version: V8.7.0 (2009-03) English
- ITU-T G.722.2 国际电信联盟G.722.2建议书,2003年7月版。该建议书是语音通讯领域的压缩标准,被GSM,WCDMA,3GPP等采用,题目为16kbit下的宽带语音编码,使用自适应多率宽带编码。 内容主要有代数码激励线性预测编码(ACELP),话音活动检测(VAD)等。-This Recommendation describes the high quality Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband (AMR-WB) encoder and de
- Cellular Authentication for Mobile and Internet Services introduces the reader into the field of secure communication for mobile applications, including secure web browsing with a phone or PC, Single Sign-On (SSO), mobile broadcast content protection
- At the beginning of 2004, the standards for third generation (3G) cellular technology were embodied in 483 Technical Specifications published by the two Partnership Projects: 3GPP and 3GPP2.
- At the beginning of 2004, the standards for third generation (3G) cellular technology were embodied in 483 Technical Specifications published by the two Partnership Projects: 3GPP and 3GPP2.
- At the beginning of 2004, the standards for third generation (3G) cellular technology were embodied in 483 Technical Specifications published by the two Partnership Projects: 3GPP and 3GPP2.
- At the beginning of 2004, the standards for third generation (3G) cellular technology were embodied in 483 Technical Specifications published by the two Partnership Projects: 3GPP and 3GPP2.
- WB-AMR VMR-WB 是新型可变速率多模式宽带语音编解码器,专为无线 CDMA 2000标准而设计,目的在于在 50 至 7000 HZ 的频带上进行语音编码,采样率为 16 KHZ。VMR-WB 基于 3GPP AMR-WB (G722.2) 编解码器,在每秒速率12.65 Kbit 上可实现互操作。 VMR-WB 工作模式有四种,具体选择哪种应视网络的流量情况而定。前三种模式专门针对 CDMA 系统,而第四种模式为 AMR-WB 互操作性模式。 VMR-WB 与 AMR-WB
- 基于3GPP的空时无线信道模型(SCM)的在不同移动速度下的时间相关性。-3GPP-based space-time wireless channel model (SCM), moving at different speeds of time correlation.
- 通过仿真和分析对比SCFDMA的性能和算法。This a very simple baseband simulator for SC-FDMA system. This simulator is part of the upcoming book “Single Carrier FDMA: A New Air Interface for Long Term Evolution” (Wiley, Nov. 2008) which I co-authored with professor D
- This document describes standard and proprietary AT commands available for Sierra Wireless UMTS AirCard® mobile broadband devices and AirPrime intelligent embedded modules. Standard 3GPP AT commands for UMTS devices are describ
- 在3GPP系统中,初始小区搜索包含两步,这两步要用到主同步信号和辅同步信号。这篇文章介绍了一种辅同步信号检测的方法。-In 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) system,initial cell search procedure comprises two steps using primary synchronization signal (PSS) and secondary synchronization signal (SSS). This pape
- FEMTO 3GPP协议接口,R10版,做3GPP协议开发的朋友可以看看。-The FEMTO 3GPP protocol interface, R10, and friends can look at the 3GPP protocol development.
- 中兴无线设备AT命令,本文档讨论,在细节,AT命令实现在中兴无线 数据产品。所有的AT命令跟随3 gpp(R99)TS27.005和TS27.007。 -AT Command Set for ZTEWireless Data ProductThis document discusses, in detail, the AT commands that are implemented in ZTE wireless data product. All the AT commands f