- 小波变换在故障诊断中的应用 441 18.1 引言 441 18.2 基本原理 442 18.3 小波变换在轴承故障诊断中的应用 444 18.3.1 轴承外环故障诊断 444 18.3.2 轴承滚动体故障诊断 448 18.4 小波变换在齿轮故障诊断中的应用 450 18.5 小波包在轴承故障诊断中的应用 452 18.5.1 轴承外环故障诊断 453 18.5.2 轴承滚动体故障诊断 454-wavelet transform fault diagnosi
- 中国象棋的Java版本 448 Chess$1.class 4,613 Chess.class 5,009 Chess.java 8,727 ChessBoard.class 13,867 ChessBoard.java 1,768 ChessPiece.class 1,301 ChessPiece.java 1,227 ChessPoint.class 989 ChessPoint.java 5,890 Demon.class
- 源码开放的加密软件。最新版本!!可以在一个文件内部创建多样化的加密磁盘并且将其配置为一个可以通过一个驱动器盘符访问的虚拟磁盘.任何存储在该虚拟磁盘上的文件可以被自动地实时加密,并且只有当使用正确的密码或者密匙配置时才可以访问. TrueCrypt 支持多样化的加密算法,包括 AES-256, Blowfish (448-bit key), CAST5, Serpent, Triple DES 和 Twofish.其它的功能包括 FAT32 或者 NTFS 格式的支持,隐藏卷。-open sour
- MD5算法说明,MD5算法是对输入的数据进行补位,使得如果数据位 长度LEN对512求余的结果是448
- 基于Jos Stam 1999 “Stable Fluids” 和 Fedkiw 2001 “Visual Simulation of Smoke” 论文。用半拉格朗日法求解二维Naver-Stokes公式。用雅可比迭代法在GPU上快速求解泊松方程。加入Fedkiw论文中所提到的vorticity confinement 力来恢复由于离散化误差而丢失的有趣的流体旋度。此演示程序在1G Hz赛杨III, 448 MB SDRAM, Geforce 6200显卡上以每秒22帧的速度运行。 ,Base
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- CipherWall Client, code to work with sockets, sqlite database and CA realization: - RSA 2048-4096 bit - digit auth on RSA - 3-step cert auth - Blowfish in CFB mode (448 bit) - SHA-256 и SHA-512 - HMAC on base SHA-256 - random-digit gen
- CipherWall Client, code to work with sockets, sqlite database and CA realization: - RSA 2048-4096 bit - digit auth on RSA - 3-step cert auth - Blowfish in CFB mode (448 bit) - SHA-256 и SHA-512 - HMAC on base SHA-256 - random-digit gen
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- Blowfish Algorithm is a Feistel Network, iterating a simple encryption function 16 times. The block size is 64 bits, and the key can be any length up to 448 bits. Although there is a complex initialization phase required before any encryption can
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- 201120170448-基于WIFI网络的呼叫系统Wifi通讯示例使用 .NET Compact Framework 2.0 生成 Wi-Fi 发现应用程序-201 120 170 448- Wifi communication example based on the the WIFI network the call system. NET Compact Framework 2.0 application generated Wi-Fi found
- Modeling and Control of a DFIG-Based Wind Turbine During a Grid Voltage Drop Doubly-fed induction generators (DFIG) are widely used in wind energy generation systems. During a grid voltage drop, performance is degraded with rotor over current
- Blowfish.java generates the symmetrickey using Blowfish algorithm. Key size assigned here is 128 bits. It works forkey size of 256 and 448 bits also. Encryption and decryption method is writtenbased on Blowfish algorithm. Message to encrypt can be gi
- Blowfish.java generates the sysmetric key using Blowfish algorithm. Key size assigned here is 128 bits. It works for key size of 256 and 448 bits also. Encryption and decryption method is written based on Blowfish algorithm. Message to encrypt can be
- This “core” is actually two cores – an HDB3/HDB2/B3ZS Encoder that converts NRZ data into P and N pulses according to ITU-T G.703, and a HDB3/HDB2/B3ZS Decoder that converts P and N pulses into NRZ data according to ITU-T G.703. Note: HDB2 and