- 6sigma管理书籍-6 Sigma management books
- sigma smp8634/8635 toolchain rootfs building source. ================= Readme.txt ================= This is the Sigma Designs customization of the root file system for the SMP86xx family of chips. This package is of course
- 下面是我编的一个软硬阈值去噪的matlab程序 下面是我编的一个软硬阈值去噪的matlab程序:thr=sigma*(2*lgN)1/2/lg(j+1) 用[x,xn]=wnoise(2,10,6) 产生噪声测试数据-The following is Part I of a of hard and soft threshold denoising matlab procedure is the following hardware and software, I made a thre
- 很多不等式在展开以后形成如下的对称形式 sigma(s1^a1*s2^a2*...*sn^an)>=sigma(s1^b1*s2^b2*...*sn^bn) (当然 作为齐次不等式 a1+a2+....an=b1+b2+...bn 变量s1,s2,...sn非负) 其中sigma表示对称和(也就是说 一共n!项) 例如 sigma(x^3)=x^3y^0z^0+x^3z^0y^0+y^3x^0z^0+y^3z^0x^0+z^3x^0y^0+z^3y^0x^0=2
- 6sigma培训资料包括以下文档: 1:MSA 2:PPAP 3:价值工程 4:可靠性概述 5:实验设计 6:质量成本-6sigma training materials include the following documents: 1: MSA 2: PPAP 3: Value Engineering 4: an overview of the reliability of 5: Experimental Design 6: Quality Cost
- it useful for handling quality assurance
- Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 3-a) Gaussian filtering with different values ecrats types of noise Gaussian 3-b) Gaussian filtering with different values ecrats types of noise pulse Question 4 4 - a) Median fil
- verify the 1st-order delta-sigma modulation by sampling the sinusoidal wave of cos 2πt + 4cos 6πt , assuming an oversampling factor of 16
- 下面是我编的一个软硬阈值去噪的matlab程序 下面是我编的一个软硬阈值去噪的matlab程序:thr=sigma*(2*lgN)1/2/lg(j+1) 用[x,xn]=wnoise(2,10,6) 产生噪声测试数据-The following is Part I of a of hard and soft threshold denoising matlab procedure is the following hardware and software, I made a threshold
- 下面是我编的一个软硬阈值去噪的matlab程序 下面是我编的一个软硬阈值去噪的matlab程序:thr=sigma*(2*lgN)1/2/lg(j+1) 用[x,xn]=wnoise(2,10,6) 产生噪声测试数据-The following is Part I of a of hard and soft threshold denoising matlab procedure is the following hardware and software, I made a threshold
- 小波分解和重构 小波分解和重构 -thr=sigma*(2*lgN)1/2/lg(j+1) 用[x,xn]=wnoise(2,10,6) 产生噪声测试数据-The following is Part I of a of hard and soft threshold denoising matlab procedure is the following hardware and software, I made a threshold denoising matlab program: thr
- 理发店营业仿真: 理发店有2名理发师,为每名顾客服务时间MU=20min+-SIGMA=3min服从正态分布,顾客相继到达,时间间隔服从1/LAMBDA=10min的指数分布.顾客到达后如发现店内有6人以上排队等待,30 顾客会选择离开,其余人继续等待. 要求:建模,仿真 一天10小时营业,统计N天内: 1.理发师实际服务人数 2.平均队长及因排队人数过多而离去的人数 3.ALPHA=0.05计算置信区间. -Barber shop business simulati
- Wavelet denoising For using this code need to use signal toolbox and general toolbox in your matlab In the first part of this assignment, we asked to obtain a (black-and-white) digital image of size 512 by 512 and then generate noi
- LabVIEW开发技术丛书 深入浅出统计过程控制 序言——献给初入质量管理的工程师 谈质量管理,不得不说现在最成功和应用最广泛的6 西格玛管理。参加6 西格玛管理培训的人很容易就坠入统计学的云雾中,每天置身于大量数据的统计分析和报表中,彷佛6 西格玛管理就是做大量的统计分析和报表。 悲哀啊,真的是悲哀~~!这让我想起儿时学习数学的时候,繁多的家庭作业,让我每天置身于大量的计算中,让我感觉数学就是计算,就是大量繁琐的公式,就是大量的背诵和记忆。-LabVIEW Developmen
- 6倍方差法,时间序列,求正常序列的报警阈值-6 sigma method, which used on the time series data, and solve its alarm limit
- TI公司的ADS1299是8路低噪音同时取样的24位delta-sigma ADC,并内置了可编程增益放大器(PGA),基准电压和振荡器,集成了脑电图(EEG)所需的通用特性.器件具有非常低的输入参考噪音:1.0 μVPP (70-Hz BW),没路的功耗5mW,输入偏置电流300pA,数据速率250SPS到16kSPS,C1.0 μVPP (70-Hz BW),CMMR为-110dB,可编程增益为1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12或24,单极或双极电源工作,主要用在医疗仪器如EEG和ECG,听
- HT7038 系列多功能高精度三相电能专用计量芯片,适用于三相三线和三相四线应用。 HT7038 集成了 6路二阶sigma-delta ADC 、参考电压电路以及所有功率、能量、有效值、功率因数及频率测量的数字信号处理等电路,能够测量各相以及合相的有功功率、无功功率、有功能量及无功能量,同时还能测量各相电流、电压有效值、功率因数、相角、频率等参数,充分满足三相复费率多功能电能表的需求。(HT7038 series of multi-functional and high-precision t