- 这是一个asp.netMVC四种方法,ASP.NET MVC4和JSON.net,ASP.NET Web API是ASP.NET MVC 4 BETA版的一部分-This is a asp.netMVC four methods, ASP.NET MVC4 and JSON.net, ASP.NET Web API is part of the ASP.NET MVC 4 BETA version
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- Asp.NetMVC4编程指南,.Net MVC4资源,较适合MVC的初学者,是图文类的教学资源。-Graphic class teaching resources
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- 基于Asp.Net MVC4.0 + WebAPI + Knockout 技术,采用EasyUI为前台开发展示UI,Knockout主要负责前端的逻辑交互,再结合jQuery Ajax进行提交数据请求,最新企业进销存管理系统源码分享,C#程序.net erp easyui mvc4项目代码,B/S框架开发,采用web easy ui开发框架,网站完全开源无任何加密,可直接使用或进行二次开发,Asp.net MVC架构开发(asp.net mvc + web api + easyui)(Asp.N
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- Asp.Net + WebAPI + MVC4.0 based on Knockout technology, using EasyUI as the development of UI display, Knockout is mainly responsible for front-end interactive logic, combined with jQuery Ajax to submit data request, the new enterprise Invoicing mana
- Asp.Net + WebAPI + MVC4.0 based on Knockout technology, using EasyUI as the development of UI display, Knockout is mainly responsible for front-end interactive logic, combined with jQuery Ajax to submit data request, the new enterprise Invoicing mana
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- Asp.Net + WebAPI + MVC4.0 based on Knockout technology, using EasyUI as the development of UI display, Knockout is mainly responsible for front-end interactive logic, combined with jQuery Ajax to submit data request, the new enterprise Invoicing mana
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- Asp.Net + WebAPI + MVC4.0 based on Knockout technology, using EasyUI as the development of UI display, Knockout is mainly responsible for front-end interactive logic, combined with jQuery Ajax to submit data request, the new enterprise Invoicing mana
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- asp.net mvc4+easyui+knockoutjs,该项目前端使用MVVM进行开发。(We use MVVM to develop it. Open source, source code can run,It is easy to develop and later maintenance,)
- 本系统是仿照wordpress的结构编写的一款asp.net mvc4是程序,本系统采用了MVC4框架,使用了LINQ操作数据库,(The system is modeled on the structure of WordPress asp.net mvc4 is a program, the system uses MVC4 framework, the use of LINQ operation database.)
- 多商户整站程序源码,<1> 本程序基于.net framework4.5和asp.net mvc4.0开发,所以请确保你的开发环境满足以上要求。 <2> 创建数据库:目前只支持SQL Server2005及其以上版本;首先在你的数据库服务器上创建名为"brnmall"的数据库,然后执行"sqlserver.sql"文件。 <3> 数据库连接字符串在“\Presentation\BrnMall.Web\App_Data