- ROC curves illustrate performance on a binary classification problem where classification is based on simply thresholding a set of scores at varying levels. Lenient thresholds give high sensitivity but low specificity, strict thresholds give high spe
- 利用matlab实现的基于EM算法的贝叶斯分类器的源代码,可以用来分类或识别,很值得收藏-Using matlab to achieve EM algorithm based on Bayesian classifier of the source code can be used to classification or identification, it is worthy of collection
- A good matlab code that analysis the ROC curve and corresponding AUC value to estimate the sensitive and the currectness of the sample estimate. This code is suitable for variable type and function data.
- One-Pass AUC 优化的matlab代码。参考文献:Wei Gao, Rong Jin, Shenghou Zhu and Zhi-Hua Zhou. One-Pass AUC Optimzation. In: Proceedings of the 30th International conference on Machine Learning (ICML 13), Atlanta, GA, 2013, JMLR: W&CP 28(3), pp.906-914. -This pa
- 彩色图像视觉注意程序,并有绘制ROC曲线和AUC计算功能-visual attention code for color image,it can plot AUC and ROC
- Robust Non-negative Dictionary Learning for Visual Tracking The provided codes could be either embedded into the benchmark framework of paper Online Object Tracking: A Benchmark (CVPR2013) (You can find details here: http://visual-tracking.net/) or
- 遥感影像变化检测经典算法(IR-MAD、MAD、CVA、PCA),另外进行了算法的Demo和精度等计算评价(OA、Kappa、AUC、ROC)-Remote sensing image change detection classical algorithm (IR-MAD, MAD, CVA, PCA), were additionally algorithms and calculation accuracy Demo Assessment (OA, Kappa, AUC, ROC)
- 1采用遗传算法对男女生样本数据中的身高,体重,喜欢数学,喜欢文学,喜欢运动,喜欢模式识别共6个特征进行特征选择,并基于所得到的最佳特征采用SVM设计男女生分类器,并计算模型预测性能(包含SE,SP,ACC和AUC )。提示:可以用6位的0/1进行编码,适应度函数可以考虑类似 。-1 genetic algorithm for boys and girls in the sample data of height, weight, like math, like literature, like
- 2采用PCA对男女生样本数据中的身高,体重,喜欢数学,喜欢文学,喜欢运动,喜欢模式识别共6个特征进行特征提取(自己设定选取的特征个数),并基于所得到的特征采用SVM设计男女生分类器,并计算模型预测性能(包含SE,SP,ACC和AUC )。-2 using PCA for boys and girls in the sample data height, weight, like math, like literature, like sports, like common pattern rec
- 采用SVM设计男女生分类器。采用的特征包含身高、体重、是否喜欢数学、是否喜欢文学、是否喜欢运动共五个特征。要求:采用平台提供的软件包进行分类器的设计以及测试,尝试不同的核函数设计分类器,采用交叉验证的方式实现对于性能指标的评判(包含SE,SP,ACC和AUC,AUC的计算基于平台的软件包)。-Using SVM classifier is designed for boys and girls. Characterized by the use of include height, weight
- 采用决策树设计男女生分类器。采用的特征包含身高、体重、是否喜欢数学、是否喜欢文学、是否喜欢运动共五个特征。要求:采用平台提供的软件包进行分类器的设计以及测试,采用交叉验证的方式实现对于性能指标的评判(包含SE,SP,ACC和AUC,AUC的计算基于平台的软件包)。-Decision tree classifier is designed for boys and girls. Characterized by the use of include height, weight, whether
- 数字图像处理中对分类器优劣的判定常用的ROC/ACU源码。希望对你有用。-The ROC/ACU source code commonly used in the determination of the quality of the classifier in digital image processing. I hope useful to you.
- 1. 采用BP神经网络设计男女生分类器。采用的特征包括身高、体重、是否喜欢数学、是否喜欢文学、是否喜欢运动共五个特征,BP神经网络包含一个隐层,隐层结点数为5。要求:自行编写代码完成后向传播算法,采用交叉验证的方式实现对于性能指标的评判(包含SE,SP,ACC和AUC,AUC的计算可以基于平台的软件包)。(. using BP neural network to design the classifier for male and female students. The features in
- 使用SVM分类器来预测乳腺癌病人的预后(特征选择;分类器构建),评价模型时使用无被交叉验证,性能评价指标包括准确率,AUC,灵敏度,特异度。学会最基本的机器学习方法。可查看分发给大家的代码,以后遇到类似的问题,可用相似的思路和代码。(The SVM classifier was used to predict the prognosis of breast cancer patients (feature selection; classifier construction), and the