- 用matlab检测直线,圆。椭圆的程序,对直线程序进行了改进,采用随机霍夫变换 &由粗到细的检测方式检测,效果好-detection using Matlab straight round. Elliptic procedures, the procedures for linear improvement, randomized Hough Transform & by coarse-to-fine detection methods for detection, effectiv
- 针对有限差分问题中的均匀网格技术存在的弊端提出了变网格技术,并提出了区分粗细网格的假设与原则,给出了区分粗细网格在算法上实现的流程图。-problems against the finite difference uniform grid of the disadvantages of variable grid. and made a distinction between coarse and fine mesh assumptions and principles, is a distin
- Coarse-to-Fine Wedgelet and Platelet Image Reconstruction,图象重构matlab源码,老外编写的,对图像的重建有帮助
- The motion within an image region is modeled using an affine transformation. Affine motion parameters are estimated using a coarse-to-fine gradient-based method. The approach is implemented using a robust M-estimation technique to make the computatio
- 基于距离变换的多尺度连通骨架算法,本文提出一种新型骨架算法 ,在图形内根据距 离变换的约束 ,由骨架种子点开始以单像素宽度逐点生长出各骨架分支 ,逐点生长保证了连通性.实验证明该算法 的骨架生长过程是骨架由粗到精的演变过程 ,能够方便地实现骨架的多尺度控制.-Distance transform based on multi-scale skeleton connectivity algorithm, this paper presents a new type of skeleton
- 基于金字塔对灰度图像进行分层,按由粗到精的方法对左右航片进行特征提取,根据特征点对影像对进行影像匹配!-Based on the Pyramid of the stratified gray-scale images, according to the coarse-to-fine method of flight films about feature extraction, according to feature points on the image to image matching
- This a JPEG encoding & decoding program of still image. It does not use level shifting. Discrete Cosine transform (DCT) is performed both by classical & Chen s Flowgraph methods. Predefined JPEG quantization array & zigzag order are used here. RUN -
- 本文提出了一种快速,可靠的立体匹配算法产生浓密视差图,通过使用快速互相关、矩形秩和3D最大表面技术粗到细计划。-This paper presents a fast and reliable stereo matching algorithm which produces a dense disparity map by using fast cross correlation, rectangular subregioning (RSR) and 3D maximum-surfac
- This algorithm was introduced by Koga et al in 1981. It became very popular because of its simplicity and also robust and near optimal performance. It searches for the best motion vectors in a coarse to fine search pattern. The algorithm may be descr
- 本文提出了一种由粗到细的图像配准方法。该方法首先由多尺度Harris角点检测 算法提取出参考图像和目标图像的特征角点-This paper presents a coarse-to-fine image registration methods. In this method, the multi-scale Harris corner detection algorithm to extract the reference image and the target image featur
- 由于选用部分Hausdorf距离进行图像匹配时不能满足较大尺寸图像匹配实时性要求,利用了多级分层匹配技术加速图像匹配,本文提出了多级实时图像匹配算法,该算法以部分Hausdorf距离为图像匹配相似性度量,结合小波变换多分辨率思想提取多尺度图像特征,实现了由粗到精多级分层实时匹配。-As part of the Hausdorf distance used for image match the larger size can not meet the requirements of real-t
- 用多分辨率配准方法执行图像配准更加广泛地用在改进速度、精确度和自动化程度上。 基本的思想是图像有较少的像素的地方就用粗糙的比例。粗糙水平的空间映射被用来在接下 来的较好的图像中初始化配准。重复这个过程直到达到最好的比例范围。从粗糙到平滑的策 略极大地改进了配准的成功率,并通过消除粗糙比例时的局部噪声达到提高自动化的目的。-Performing image registration using a multi-resolution approach is widely used to
- 图像修复是指恢复图像中破损区域的颜色信息或者去除图像中的多余物体。针对视频图像损坏特征中较复杂的水 平与垂直条带,利用视频图像时间连续性的特点,提出基于小波分析理论的修复方法。实验结果表明,该系统能够较好地恢复 视频图像和有效去除文字。 -Image inpainting refers to restore the color information of the damaged region in the image or remove the unnecessary obje
- 基于SIFT和互信息的图像粗-精机制配准- A Novel Coarse-to-Fine Scheme for Automatic Image Registration based on SIFT and Mutual Information
- 由地面效应反转和一个单一的垂直阵列源距离和高度确定 -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- matlab文件的集合来确定与一个单一的垂直阵列的来源范围,并高度。 使用一个分析传播模型来计算上述的阻抗平面的声场。 用途要么转向响应功率(SRP)与Barteltt或MUSIC波束形成器或幅度/相位差异 各麦克风之
- A Fast Coarse-to-Fine Vehicle Logo Detection and Recognition Method
- 该方法实现了一种实时的由粗到细的超像素分割,是cvpr2015的一篇paper,该方法的效果非日常的好。指得大家学习和借鉴。-In this paper, we tackle the problem of unsupervised segmentation in the form of superpixels. Our main emphasis is on speed and accuracy. We build on [31] to define the problem as a bou
- The code implements a coarse-to-fine variational framework for optical flow estimation between two image frames that incorporates descr iptor matches in additiona to the standard brightness and gradient constrancy constraints, for dealing effectively
3.20 基于Hough变换的人眼虹膜定位方法
- 针对利用Hough变换实现虹 膜定位时遇到的一些问题提出了相应的解决方案。为减少Hough变换的计算量,本算法采用了"先采样后变换"、"由粗到精"的方法;为提高可靠性、减小噪 声影响,算法利用了虹膜内外边界之间的耦合关系以缩小在边界参数空间内的搜索范围。在MAT-LAB软件环境下的试验表明,算法取得了良好的效果。(Aiming at some problems encountered in iris location using Hough transfo
Accurate Segmentation of Cervical Cytoplasm and Nuclei Based on Multiscale Convolutional Network and Graph Partitioning
- In this paper, a multiscale convolutional network (MSCN) and graph-partitioning-based method is proposed for accurate segmentation of cervical cytoplasm and nuclei. Specifically, deep learning via the MSCN is explored to extract scale invariant f