- The Kalman filter is an efficient recursive filter that estimates the state of a linear dynamic system from a series of noisy measurements. It is used in a wide range of engineering applications from radar to computer vision, and is an important topi
- Control Systems Engineering Solutions Manual by Nise
- 在系统的整个研发中,从需求分析到系统实现,严格按照工程化的方法,仔 细分析,认真实施,并对在8/S/S三层结构下的权限控制和新老系统中涉及到的 数据转化的闯提进行了分析研究,提出了解决方案,最终实现了系统中的权限控 制和文件上传的问题。-R & D in the entire system, from requirements analysis to system implementation, in strict accordance with the method eng
- In this paper, an attractive approach for teaching genetic algorithm (GA) is pre-sented. This approach is based primarily on using MATLAB in implementing the genetic operators: crossover, mutation and selection. A detailed illustrative example is p
- 一款基于Web的矢量图形控件, 类似于网页上的Visio控件,是目前国内外最佳的基于web的工作流设计器、工作流流程监视器解决方案。 可广泛应用于包括:电力、军工、煤炭、化工、科研、能源等各种监控软件、电力、化工、工作流设计器、煤炭、工控组态软件、仿真、地理信息系统、工作流、复 杂报表、工业SCADA系统、ERP流程设计系统、图形管理、图形拓扑分析、GIS地理信息系统系统、工作流设计器工程制图等领域。(A Web-based vector graphics controls, similar t