BrowseDWGtoBMP 从AutoCAD图形DWG格式的文件中直接读出位图信息生成BMP位图并显示
- 本示例使用VB.NET,从AutoCAD图形DWG格式的文件中直接读出位图信息生成BMP位图并显示在PictureBox控件中,同时使用ddvue对该DWG图形进行预览并比较效果。-This example uses VB.NET, from AutoCAD drawing files in DWG format directly read bitmap BMP bitmap information generated and displayed in a PictureBox control,
- 是用于开发Autocad图纸管理系统用到的重要控件,及开发说明和应用-Autocad drawings for development of management systems used in the important controls, and the development and application instructions
- ddvue:一个不需要AutoCAD环境就可以查看DWG文件的OCX控件-ddvue(查看DWG文件的OCX控件) v2006.14.2.11
- Each entity is a AutoCAD drawing has a unique identifier, this is a hexadecimal number, which is stored in a character string in ddvue. MicroStation DGN drawings also have these handles but are calledElement ID instead
- 浏览/编辑CAD图形的控件,支持打开,浏览所有版本CAD文件,并自动识别CAD文件版本。-View/edit CAD graphic controls, support for open, browse all versions of CAD files and automatic recognition of CAD file versions.--View/edit CAD graphic controls, support for open, browse all versions of
- ddvue控件,dll, 说明文档 该控件可以脱离AutoCAD环境,读dxf和dwg的文件内容,并可显示\平移\缩放-ddvue control, DLL, documentation This control can be separated from AutoCAD environment, read DXF and DWG file content, and can display, translation and scaling