check NumLock、Insert、CapsLock、ScrollLock key st
- 版主,我上传的是delphi的,不知可不可以。-moderator, I upload the delphi, I do not know if possible.
- 游戏quake2的delphi源代码,相信对游戏开发感兴趣的朋友一定不会错过-delphi source code, I believe the game developers interested friends will not miss
Delphi 7 从入门到精通随书源码
- Delphi 7 从入门到精通随书源码,写的比较浅显易懂,不过是英文版的,相信对你会有帮助。-Delphi 7 from entry to the source proficient with the book, written in relatively simple words, but is the English version, and I believe that will be helpful to you.
- 说到类和对象,我们不能不提及这样几个概念:类,对象,实例。就我个人觉得可 以这样来理解:对象指的是泛称,自然界的任何实体都可以看成一个对象;而类则是 以这些对象某些特征而分成的一系列的种类;实例则是特指属于某一个类的一个对象-said classes and objects, we can not fail to mention the following concepts : type, object, examples. I personally think that this can be
- 这是一个delphi 编写的IC卡读写程序源码,希望能给初学者提供帮助-This is the IC card reader program source code written in Delphi, I hope to give beginners help
- Delphi IAT Hook API(沒使用到Dll,我打算用CreateRemoteThread來實現Hook,可以說還沒完成)-Delphi IAT Hook API
- 功能特别强大的绘图源代码,经本人长时间加工,算是精品-Is particularly powerful graphics source code, I am a long time after processing, be regarded as fine
- 一组Delphi/C++Builder上使用的Internet构件源码 -An set of component source used on delphi/c++ builder
- 给可执行程序添加数字签名。DELPHI版本的。希望大家喜欢。-Executable program to add a digital signature. DELPHI version. I hope you like.
- 一个神迹挂机*脱机*源码.希望对*编程爱好者有所帮助!-Hang up a miracle offline plug-in plug-in source code. I hope fans of the plug-in programming help!
OpenGL Delphi
- OpenGL教程的Delphi版。目前网上的教程杂乱而且不全。我网上搜索了蛮久,终于让我找到一些比较全面的,并将其从网页上复制下来弄成Word版。仅以共享。-The Delphi version of OpenGL tutorials. The tutorial is now online clutter and incomplete. I have searched online quite a long time, finally I found some of the more compr
- 进delphi隐藏进程。这个源码很简单。用法很简单,直接在uses中加入以下单元HideProcess,在需要隐藏进程的地方直接MyHideProcess 就可以。具体代码是什么意思,我也不大清楚,需要的朋友照葫芦画瓢吧^_^,有个缺点是隐藏了的进程就没办法显示出来了,正在研究怎么弄,大家可以相互交流。QQ:7333358。下面是HideProcess单元源代码:-Hidden processes into delphi. This source is very simple. Usage is
- 对于delphi,我只有一句话:“经典得让你爽歪歪”-For delphi, I have only one sentence: " classic makes your Shuangwai Wai"
- program code Apriori Algorithm (data mining) in Delphi. I found it after I read a book "Algoritma Data Mining". Apriori Algorithm is an influental algorithm for mining frequent itemsets for boolean association rules
- Client and server : Full chat in delphi 7 , have much functions for sockets
- Delphi编写涂鸦桌面的小程序 有很多的关于涂鸦桌面的小软件,确实很好玩,现在来用Delphi实现之。我建议使用Delphi,因为他做这个简直太 Easy了!-There are a lot of graffiti on a small desktop software, really fun, and now to achieve purposes Delphi. I recommend using Delphi, because he is simply too much t
- I-Worm Source code Cannabis edition - p0ke (Private)
- Delphi proxy source code. I uploaded it to be able to download another code
- delphi7编程实现控制电脑摄像头闯入拍照,初步实现了摄像头动作识别。使用时,根据自己的摄像头适当修改ColorComp函数中的Distance常量,和图片相似度sm>=95这两个参数。自己测试了一下,还可以。只是一个粗糙的实现,没有优化,还需要大家继续努力。有修改更好的,记得给我email一个。(Delphi7 programming to control computer cameras to break into the camera, the initial realizatio
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- Just trash i upload to unlock a download