- 一种新的图像脆弱水印算法李亚琴 ,孙星明 ,杨恒伏(1.苏州市职业大学,江苏苏州215104;2.湖南大学计算机与通信学院,湖南长沙410082)摘要:提出一种基于小波变换和QR分解的图像脆弱水即方法。嵌入水印时,首先对原始图像进行三级小波分解,然后提取第三级低频子带的边缘特征,同时对此边缘特征和第三级垂直高频子带进行QR分解,用边缘特征的一部分分解结果替换垂直高频子带分解结果的相应部位来嵌入水即,最后进行小波逆变换得到嵌入水印的图像。图像认证时,首先对观测图像进行三级小波分解,第三级垂直高频子
- sfrmat is a Matlab function that provides a spatial frequency response* (SFR) from a digital image file containing a slanted-edge feature. The specific edge-gradient algorithm follows the intent of the standard ISO 12233, developed by Technical Commi
- 图像特征提取,包括:颜色直方图,颜色矩,边缘直方图,Gabor小波变换,局部二值图,GIST。,Image feature extraction, including: color histogram, color moment, the edge histogram, Gabor wavelet transform, partial binary image, GIST.
- 基于JAVA实现的图像特征提取源代码 图像特征提取的源代码,使用sobel算子提取图像边缘,使用hu矩提取图像形状特征,使用颜色中心矩提取图像颜色特征,请使用eclipes导入该工程并运行test文件(可将test文件中去掉一些注释部分运行更多功能)。-JAVA based on the realization of the image feature extraction image feature extraction source code source code, use the sob
- 图像处理中,一种新的边缘检测,特征点提取方法,算法经过测试,可以运行,对医学图像处理的人有帮助-Image processing, a new edge detection, feature point extraction method, the algorithm has been tested, you can run on the medical image processing to help the people
- A general technique for the recovery of signicant image features is presented. The technique is based on the mean shift algorithm, a simple nonparametric pro- cedure for estimating density gradients. Drawbacks of the current methods (includi
- 图像处理软件,能捕获图像边缘特征点,用了SABEL算法。-Image processing software that can capture image edge feature points, using a SABEL algorithm.
- 此代码包含了图像获取,图像增强,图像复原,正交变换,压缩编码,图像配准,运动检测,特征提取,图像分割及识别的功能-This code includes the image acquisition, image enhancement, image restoration, orthogonal transform, compression, image registration, motion detection, feature extraction, image segmentation a
- 利用CANNY边缘算子实现二维图像的边缘特征的提取,提取的边缘特征优于其它算法-Using Canny edge operator achieve two-dimensional image of the edge feature extraction, edge feature extraction is superior to other algorithms
- 其基本思想是:首先,用微分算子检测图象的边缘;然后,在这些边缘象素点上进行二值化阈值的自动选择;最后,对于其它非边缘象素点则采取常规方法进行二值化处理。实验结果表明,这个基于边缘特征检测算子的算法能很好地保留原图的边缘特征,并能处理低质量的图象-The basic idea is: First of all, the differential operator with the edge detection image And, at these points on the edge pixe
- 提出一种新的非线性变换的彩色空间 ″″, 利用次高斯概率分布函数拟合皮肤色度信息, 得到候选区 YC C r b 域。为了排除候选区域中的非人脸, 首先根据均值和方差信息分割出候选区域中的纹理特征信息, 再通过多尺度 ) ( 信息定位眼睛, 然后根据人脸特征的几 形态边缘检测算子检测候选区域的边缘, 利用 边缘方向 PCA PCAED ( ) 何形状信息定位其他特征 鼻、嘴 , 通过这些几何特征信息对肤色分割得到的候选区域进行验证, 最终得到正确 的人
- 针对高精度的畸变图像,提出了一种基于最小二乘影像匹配的高精度畸变图像矫正算 法. 算法首先利用特征提取与边缘检测对图像进行预处理,并且将特征匹配与最小二乘算法相 结合,从而实现了图像与模板之间精确的子像素定位与匹配. 实验表明,该算法较好的解决了目前高精度畸变图像矫正算法中普遍存在的定位和匹配精度较差的缺陷,图像矫正效果良好,是一种有效的畸变图像矫正算法.-Image distortion for high-precision, a least-squares image matchin
- 为了提取区域边界,可以对图像直接运用一阶微商算子或二阶微商算子,然后根据各像点处的微商幅值或其他附加条件判定其是否为边界点。如果图像中含有较强噪声,直接进行微商运算将会出现许多虚假边界点。-.Using the feature of distinct edge contour existing between the text and the background regions in color images, a novel text extraction algorithm—CEMA(Co
- 这是一个有关图像用Canny 提取边缘特征的源码,同样在Visual C++ 6.0运行过,是可以通过的-This is an extract of the image using Canny edge feature of the source, the same in Visual C++ 6.0 run-off can be adopted
- 两篇人脸检测的英文论文,是花钱买的哦,英文描述中是一篇文章的英文摘要!-Face and facial feature detection plays an important role in various applications such as human computer interaction, video surveillance, face tracking, and face recognition. Efficient face and facial feature det
- 实现边缘特征提取的功能有很强的特征提取功能能够边缘特征进行提取-Edge feature extraction to achieve the function of the characteristics of a strong edge feature extraction functions can be extracted
- This paper identifies a novel feature space to address the problem of human face recognition from still images. This based on the PCA space of the features extracted by a new multiresolution analysis tool called Fast Discrete Curvelet Transfo
- 边缘特征的提取就是求图像梯度的局部最大值和方向。实际计算中,以微分算子的形式表示,并采用快速卷积函数来实现。常用的算子有微分算子,拉普拉斯算子,Canny算子等。其中Canny边缘检测是一种较新的边缘检测算子,具有较好的边缘检测性能,得到越来越广泛的应用。Canny边缘检测法利用高斯函数的一阶微分,它能在噪声抑制和边缘检测之间取得较好的平衡-Edge feature extraction is to seek the local maximum of image gradient and ori
- CSS对边缘图像进行特征点提取然后用改进的NCC算法进行匹配-Using CSS in edge to extract image feature point and then using the modified NCC to match
- 通opencv自带的功能对图像目标边缘进行加强,得到边缘特征-Through opencv function comes to reinforce the edges of the image target, get the edge feature