- An adaptive fuzzy integral sliding mode controller for mismatched time-varying linear systems is presented in this paper. The proposed fuzzy integral sliding mode controller is designed to have zero steady state system error under step inputs
- The objective of this textbook is to explain the behaviour of fuzzy-logic controllers. Under certain conditions, a fuzzy controller is equivalent to a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller.
- Smith模糊积分控制在焦炉系统中的应用Smith fuzzy integral control system of coke oven-Smith fuzzy integral control system of coke oven
- 模糊数值函数Henstock积分的原函数刻画Henstock integral of fuzzy-valued functions characterize the original function-Henstock integral of fuzzy-valued functions characterize the original function
- 模糊值函数在模糊数积分区间_上的NL公式Number of fuzzy-valued fuzzy integral function on the interval _ NL formula-Number of fuzzy-valued fuzzy integral function on the interval _ NL formula
- 模糊数值函数Henstock积分的收敛定理Henstock integral of fuzzy function value convergence theorem-Henstock integral of fuzzy function value convergence theorem
- 滑模控制与模糊控制的结合,很好的一片论文!欢迎下载,共同学习。-Piecewise Integral Sliding Mode Control for T-S Fuzzy Systems
- Focusing on the passive network, this paper analyzes the discrete mathematical model and its control strategy of the passive terminal of the VSC-HVDC system on the basis of the α-β frame of axes. The method of the functioning-fuzzy-subset inf
- 该文设计了一种基于Matlab和模糊比例积分微分PID (proportional-integral-derivative)的汽车定速巡航控制系统,该巡航控制系统由模拟数字信号输入装置、定速巡航控制电子控制单元和节气门执行器等器件组成.为提高汽车巡航的精度和稳定性,提出了一种基于Matlab和模糊PID的自适应模糊控制方法,该控制算法在线优化模糊控制规则以及输出比例因子,既保留了传统模糊控制的优点,又有效改善了系统的控制品质,实车试验结果表明,试验车(上海大众帕萨特1.8 MT)在40、60、8
- 各种PID控制器(模糊自适应整定PID,积分分离式PID),求导的两个方法-(Fuzzy adaptive tuning PID, Integral separate PID), two methods of various derivative PID controller
- 飞机平衡控制,积分控制、微分控制,PID控制,模糊pid控制。-Aircraft balance control, integral control, differential control, PID control, fuzzy pid control.
- Power electronics plays an important role in controlling the grid-connected renewable energy sources. This paper presents a novel adaptive neuro-fuzzy control approach for the renewable interfacing inverter. The main objective is to achieve s
- This study presents an application of a fuzzy gain scheduled proportional and integral (FGPI) controller for load-frequency control of a two-area electrical interconnected power system. Model simulations of the power system show that the proposed F
- 与模糊数学相关的,模糊聚类分析的有效性问题初探,FCM算法是论文中不可或缺的部分,在此将FCM算法的两种迭代形式的MATLAB代码写于下,也许有的同学会用得着:-Fuzzy clustering analysis and fuzzy validity problems of the mathematically related, FCM algorithm is an integral part of the paper, in the form of the FCM two iterative
- Fuzzy Logic (FL) Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) used in photovoltaic system with a direct control method are presented. In this control system, no proportional or integral control loop exists and an adaptive FL controller generates the contr
- The PID control scheme is named after its three correcting terms, whose sum constitutes the manipulated variable (MV). The proportional, integral, and derivative terms are summed to calculate the output of the PID controller. Defining u(t) as the con
- Abstract—The proportional integral derivative (PID) controller is the most widely used control strategy in industry. The popularity of PID controllers can be attributed partly to their robust performance in a wide range of operating conditions
- In many industries process such as petro chemical industries, paper making industries and water treatment industries are using the tank system to control the liquid level. The liquid level must be controlled by the proper controller. The objectiv
- 设计常规PD控制器和模糊控制器,比较两者性能. 对模糊控制器,考虑以下因素对系统性能的影响, ① 模糊控制器方案的选择; ② 语言变量取法; ③ 论域的划分; ④ 模糊子集(隶属函数)的形状和分布; 参考性能指标: (1) r(t)=1(t) 时稳态误差为0; (2) 超调量不超过5 % ; (3) 调节时间不超过2秒.(fuzzy logic control,FLC proportional integral,PI di
- 高等应用数学问题的MATLAB问题求解,线性、积分方程、代数方程、微分方程、数据插值、函数逼近问题、概率论与数理统计问题的计算机求解,模糊逻辑与模糊推理、遗传算法、小波变换、粗糙集理论等的应用。(Matlab problem solving of higher applied mathematics, computer solving of linear, integral, algebraic, differential, data interpolation, function approx