- 3D reconstruction, medical image processing from colons, using intel image processing for based class. This source code. Some code missing but I think you can understand it. Development version. This source code is very interesting for learning segme
- A command line tool that implement multi High Dynamic Range Image Processing Algorithms using OpenGL and Graphics Processing Units (GPU).,A command line tool that implement multi High Dynamic Range Image Processing Algorithms using OpenGL and Graphic
2D 3D Image Segmentation
- Fast continuous max-flow algorithm to 2D/3D image segmentation developed in matlab, C and GPU
- 本程序借助OpenGL及其高级着色语言GLSL实现了图像降噪,锐化,对比度增强等图像处理操作!-With this procedure and its high-level shading language GLSL OpenGL implementation of image noise reduction, sharpening, contrast enhancement and other image processing!
- 可以直接调用的图像处理类库,欢迎大家下载-Can directly call the image processing library, welcome you to download
- GPU中使用ASM 编写的SOBEL 代码! 可以很快地提取图像边缘,快速统计边缘线索, 为下一步图像分割提供数据-GPU prepared by the use of ASM code SOBEL! Can be quickly extracted image edge, the edge of fast statistical clues for further image segmentation data
- This library implements the KLT Tracking algorithm [2004] for Feature Tracking in Video useful in computer vision tasks like object recognition, image indexing, tracking and structure from motion. This implementation uses programmable Graphics Hardwa
- This library implements the KLT Tracking algorithm [2004] for Feature Tracking in Video useful in computer vision tasks like object recognition, image indexing, tracking and structure from motion. This implementation uses programmable Graphics Hardwa
- Presentation on Image Processing with GPU
- A GUI for High Dynamic Range Image Processing using OpenGL and GPU. By performing the algorithms on the graphics processing unit (GPU), this program can immediately display the results of the algorithm and parameter changes.
- GPU加速jpeg图像编码,利用CUDA架构的GPU进行加速-GPU accelerating image compression using CUDA-enable GPU
- 基于硬件GPU编程的例子,将三维模型利用硬件截取成纹理图像重新传给cpu,实现纹理贴图的功能。-Hardware-based GPU programming examples, will be three-dimensional model into a texture image using the hardware re-passed the Interception of cpu, to achieve texture mapping function.
- 提出了一种先分段,再利用Hough变换拟合直线的水平分割方法和基于先验知识约束的垂直分割方法,同时提出目标增强的预处理方法.大量实验表明,该算法较好地解决了以上问题,适用于各种质量的车牌图像,分割的准确率较高.-Presents a first section, then use the level Hough transform fitting straight line segmentation method and prior knowledge constraints on vertic
- 文章介绍如何使用CUDA实现神经网络,并把他应用在GPU图像处理单元上。 -An Artificial Neural Network is an information processing method that was inspired by the way biological nervous systems function, such as the brain, to process information. It is composed of a large number of
- 一个简单的GPU图像处理程序,使用Qt框架,OpenGL API和OpenGL着色器语言开发。-A simple GPU image processing program, using the Qt framework, the OpenGL API and OpenGL shader language development.
- GPU精粹1,介绍GPU图像处理技术的书籍。-GPU Gems 1, introduce the books of GPU image processing technology.
- 用于GPU的图像处理算法,可能对有的人有帮助.-For the GPU image processing algorithms, may help some people.
- 此文章是针对GPU来实现医学图像三维重建的,实现了对传统重建的加速。-This article is for GPU 3D medical image reconstruction to achieve acceleration traditional reconstruction.
- gpu in image segmwntatiom
- 基于GPU的图片配置算法中特征点提取,效率高,准确-GPU Image registration