- 该文件用JAVA实现的循环链表 是本人作业来的 用来实现从环中每格M个数就取出其中一个元素,直到环中所有元素为NU-the documents JAVA List is the cycle of operations, I used to achieve each from the Central grid M took on the number one of the elements, until all the elements ring NU
- swarm的例子,包換對java,xml,servlet等的介紹-swarm example, the shifting of java, xml, introduced the servlet
Grid layout
- 用java编写的程序,可以很容易的学会窗口布局-prepared using the procedure, you can easily learn the layout window
- AWTaglib是一个Jsp标签可用于创建网格(grid)控件.它还提供一些额外的功能可以把网格中的数据导出为XLS,PDF和CSV(利用JasperReports来实现)并能与Struts框架相结合.,AWTaglib is a Jsp labels can be used to create grids (grid) controls. It also provided Some additional functionality can mesh the data derived for t
- 程序功能:在 Applet 中添加标签、按钮并使用网格布局,在Applet 容器中添加组件标签、按钮,并使用网格布局管理器排列组件在容器中的位置。 -Program features: Adding the Applet tags, buttons and use the grid layout, add components in the Applet container labels, buttons, and use the grid layout manager component
- javaOA开发文档,完整。华北电力网的大型项目。-javaOA development of documentation and complete. Large-scale projects in North China power grid.
- editTreeGrid,可编辑树Grid-failed to translate
- 简单遗传算法,程序进化一个沿二维网格边界行走的机器人。-Simple genetic algorithm, the program evolved a two-dimensional grid along the border walking robots.
- 是我写的校内宝石迷阵的*,代码注释清晰保证质量。 把config.ini 置于D盘根目录下。 需要在配置中输入宝石迷阵8*8格子的左上角在屏幕上的坐标,我在里面做了DistanceMeasure 可以截图,并量取坐标 就看你怎么用了-I write plug-school gems like a trap, clear to ensure the quality of the code comments. To put D config.ini under the root dir
- 人工智能里面会用到的小程序,人工智能 遗传算法实现的沿二维网格行走的机器人,java实现,内有实验报告-Artificial intelligence which will use a small program, artificial intelligence, genetic algorithms, the robot walking along the two-dimensional grid, java, there are experimental reports
- 用Java写的报表.功能如下: 0.内建网络打印,网络预览功能! 1.文件操作。包括url 指定的文件。 2.全功能打印支持。包括打印预览。 3.Undo 和 redo。 4.合并单元格。 5.Cell selection using the mouse or keyboards(快捷键支持)。 6.单元格高宽调整 。 7.丰富的前景刷支持,前景可以是单色,双色渐变,JPG,PNG,GIF图形 。 8.背景刷支持,前景可以是单色,双色渐变,JPG,PNG,GIF图形 。 9.每个单元格支持空心字
- 数独是一种源自18世纪末瑞士的数学智力拼图游戏。拼图是九宫格(即3格宽×3格高)的正方形状,每一格又细分为一个九宫格。在每一个小九宫格中,分别填上1至9的数字,让整个大九宫格每一列、每一行的数字都不重复。 数独的玩法逻辑简单,数字排列方式千变万化。不少教育者认为数独是锻炼脑筋的好方法。-Sudoku is a kind of Switzerland originated in late 18th century mathematical intelligence jigsaw puzzl
- 网格agent平台(GAP ,Grid AgentsPlatform)开发包,建造和模拟网格环境下的移动agent.类似JADE(Java Agent DEvelopment Framework).此平台建立在Gridsim基础上,可编程实现模拟Computing Elements, Storage Elements, Virtual Organisations, 等-Agent grid platform (GAP, Grid AgentsPlatform) development kits,
- 概念格JAVA软件,可以用概念格算法进行数据挖掘,生成概念格和关联规则-Concept lattice JAVA software can be used to the concept of grid data mining algorithm to generate a concept lattice and association rules
- 一个java applet小游戏,九方格拼图,纯java实现-A java applet game, nine grid puzzles, the realization of pure java
- ExtJs auto grid sample, introduce how to create a auto created grid.
- 自制 9格拼图游戏 java jfc程序 按钮拼图 记录步数 用时 重玩 退一步 改变风格 -9 grid made jigsaw puzzle java jfc record button procedure step by step back when the weight change in style of play
- Java Grid打包下载 Java Grid打包下载 Java Grid打包下载-Java Grid download Java Grid packaged packaged packaged Java Grid Download Download Download Java Grid Packing
- a Grid-based, and the nearest neighbor clustering algorithm
- Action class for the Struts2 JQuery Grid to be used to searize the data into Json data. It extends the ActionSupport base class.