- HTML5夜空烟花绽放动画效果基于HTML5 canvas制作,模拟夜空烟花绽放动画效果,烟花会在夜空打出贺词,有新年快乐、合家幸福、万事如意、心想事成、财源广进等,文字可以自定义,做成各种祝福网页。-HTML5 night fireworks HTML5 canvas-based animation production, animation simulate fireworks in the night sky, fireworks will be shot in the night sky
- HTML5烟花散射动画效果,基于HTML5 canvas实现,有粉末效果、放射效果,两种特效。-HTML5 animation fireworks scattering, based on HTML5 canvas to achieve, there is powder effects, radiation effects, two kinds of effects.
HTML5 Canvas烟花动画
- 一款基于HTML5 Canvas的烟花动画,它的特点是可以自动燃放,烟花的色彩和燃放的高度、角度都是随机生成的(A fireworks animation based on HTML5 Canvas, it is characterized by automatic ignition, fireworks color and ignition height, angle are randomly generated)