- 配合智能视频分析设备的二次开发用源码。提供MMS彩信,SMS短信报警输出。支持双屏显示。,Intelligent video analysis equipment with the secondary development with source code. Provide MMS MMS, SMS text messages alarm output. Dual display support.
- 人体动作识别,用于智能视频分析开发资料,主要应用于DSP嵌入式-Human motion recognition for intelligent video analysis, development of material, mainly used in DSP embedded
- 该代码用于在视觉智能监控/视频监控/视觉监控/视频智能监控中,消除阴影。阴影消除对视频监控具有重要的意义,能够有效地降低阴影对目标检测的影响,减小误检率和漏检率,提高对目标的识别效率以及监控系统的稳定性和可靠性。-This code is used to remove shadow in visual intelligent surveillance/video surveillance/visual surveillance/video intelligent surveillance. Sh
- 用visual c++编写的一个sdk包含源代码的软件,智能视频监控(Intelligent Video Surveillance) -Visual c++ written with a sdk that contains the source code of the software, Intelligent Video Surveillance (Intelligent Video Surveillance)
- 基于OpenCV的智能视频监控设计, 文中介绍了opencv中的运动模板检测方法, 并给出了使用该检测方法来对运动目标进行 检测、跟踪与智能判断的实验结果。-Based on the video monitor OpenCV intelligent design
- 智能交通监视系统中基于边缘的运动目标提取算法 本文的算法是基于C++和OPEN CV实现的,要运行此程序首先要安装这两个软件 由于本文在采集图像时用到的视频图像较大 ,要100多兆,所以演示程序采用另一个视频,以观其效果 本程序中采用视频序列的前四十帧的奇数帧提取出背景边缘,用参数backframes来控制,backframes/2 即是采用的帧数。 cedge_thresh1和cedge_thresh2来控制做背景检测是用到的CANNY算子的两个阈值。
- 里面是10篇关于智能视频监控中运动目标检测,识别,跟踪等的文章,还包含了两篇关于人运动检测识别的综述,希望对大家能有所帮助。-There is a 10 on the intelligent video surveillance in moving target detection, identification, tracking and other articles, also includes two on human motion detection to identify a synt
- Qvod完美点播专家 01.网站地图系统 02.广告管理系统 03.AJAX留言本系统 04.智能影片报错系统 05.模板管理系统 06.友情链接系统 07.网页生成系统 08.数据管理系统 09.数据共享采集 10.自定义采集系统 11.草根搜蜘蛛页智能生成方便提交 -Experts on Demand Qvod perfect 01. Site Map System 02. 03.AJAX Guestbook advert
- 改程序能够读取视频文件并且可以检测到运动的物体,配置好opencv后可以直接运行,本程序以车辆监控为例子,所以可以用于智能监控-Reform program that can read video files and can detect movement of objects can be configured directly opencv run, the procedure for vehicle monitoring, for example, it can be used for i
- 智能视频中人数统计的设计方案,给出了具体的实现方法。-Statistics on the number of intelligent video in the design, given a specific method.
- In this project, we are going to develop an intelligent video surveillance system for a car park. The system monitors the client’s car park 24 hours and 7 days a week. In order to reduce the workload of the security officers, we need to develop an al
- 通过vc++的MFC编写的一个智能的视频跟踪系统,采用了camshift算法和MFC结合,从摄像头读取数据,能够控制跟踪和保存图像等功能,性能相当不错!-By vc++ for MFC written in an intelligent video tracking system, using algorithms and MFC camshift combination of read data from a camera that can track and save the image c
- Human quest for an automatic detection system of everyday occurrence lead to the necessity of inventing an intelligent surveillance system which will make lives easier as well as enable us to compete with tomorrows technology and on the other
- 电子稳像广泛应用于智能视频监控、车栽视觉导航、机器人视觉等热门技术中.是视觉处理中必不可少的步骤-Electronic image stabilization is widely used in intelligent video surveillance, car plant navigation, robot vision and other popular technology. Is an essential step in visual processing
- 本软件是基于智能视频分析设备MATE的metadata数据做分析后,将layout轨迹信息叠加到HIKVISION 的视频上进行显示。如有更进一步的需求,请与本人联系。xwyangjshb@21cn.com-This software is based on MATE' s intelligent video analysis equipment to do the data analysis of metadata, the information will be added to th
- 这是一个基于MFC对话框的OpenCV视频播放,基本功能都有,能有所参考-This is a dialog based MFC OpenCV video, basic functions are, to some reference
- 该代码用于实现视频监控/视觉监控/视频智能监控/视觉智能监控,具有友好的人机交互界面。在工作时,利用连接在计算机上的摄像头取得视频图像,通过背景减除、滤波、二值化处理、识别等技术,实现对视频目标的监控。-This code is applied to visual surveillance/video surveillance/visual intelligent surveillance/video intelligent surveillance which has a friendly h
- 网络智能视频监控中视频内容分析的工作机制-Intelligent video surveillance network video content analysis of the work mechanism
- 文章通过设计战场电视侦察系统的智能视频处理模块,提高了战场电视侦察系统的工作效率和智能化水平。首先 分析对重要军事目标进行监控的特点,归纳运动目标的特征,根据特征建立正常模型;然后运用中值滤波对监控视频进行 预处理,再采用基于高斯混合模型的背景减除法提取运动目标,通过特征提取确定运动目标的属性,与正常模型进行匹配 处理后,得出运动目标是否异常;最后达成敌重要目标有异常出现时自动告警的目的-Abstract:This article designs the intelligent vi
- 智能视频客流统计方案 Intelligent video traffic statistics program-Intelligent video traffic statistics program